Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Allay #238

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:




I've created an allay I am especially proud of, so I am passing it on. Meanwhile, by way of personal update, I have a new job now working as a "peer support specialist," a sort of counselor for mentally ill persons. So I've taken hiatus from freelance writing for a living. Natalie just had her 10th birthday; she is out of traction, out of the halo, out of the cone, and can move her neck freely now. Theron, my three-year-old is more or less potty trained, and Emilie, my 6-year-old artist, is blossoming as always.


Take care, Caretakers!


* 238 *

When a society ripens, it germinates a prophet, the harbinger of a cult, a great condenser, a possessed man. He is possessed by God, inspired by God, and God here, as always, refers ultimately to a relationship between man and men. The prophet submits, he submits because he is sensitive, and having submitted, he commands. I speak of such obvious cases as Muhammad and Joseph Smith, the Buddha and Paul. That such a person himself becomes convinced he is Destiny is enough: few people can convince themselves of this, beyond manic cases, and these but briefly.

The material kernel of a religion is in the cult, and the cult cloisters around one artifact, as with the Bacchus cult – basically, a wine cult, basically, the kind of plant one gets from a grape seed, transplanted to Greece, and blossoming into a mythology. The stuff of a cult, as with a culture, is a pattern of experience, imposed, taken in, and held reverently. Again, we cannot choose what we revere. Like love, it is chosen for us: by us, but not by the will.

Ideas precede words. There are more ideas than words, and ideas for which there are no words. We think them, but cannot say. We guess invisible planets by noting how a far star sways. This is a key to the riddle, "Why is Sovf, the Goddess of language, mute?" Language means by the said, language means by the unsaid.

To say that a cult is a condensation of a greater culture means not at all that it appears to be a microcosm, but as Buddhism encoded Hinduism, and as Christianity dual encoded Judaism and Romanism, the new creation appears at first, and in its obvious manifestation, as a contradiction.

The object of reverence means less than how one interprets it, and to interpret anything aright you must live with it, consciously and unconsciously, internally and externally, for a long time. To grow up in any society is to inherit a language. What marvels we discover through introspection, not knowing how prematurely stuffed we are with centuries of cultural baggage – all of American history gestates in each citizen.

To become timeless, one must realize he is eternal. For this reason I say there are those who are deeper than prophets, and by that I mean the Ayan, the gods. To contribute an original word to the universe, to breathe your name, requires that particularly American experience of utter solitude, which means, also, that we must master the travesties of loneliness -- all the shames of masturbation, suicide, selfishness, hermitude, alienation, and insanity belong to us, the vicissitudes of self-mastery.

A man's relationship to himself matters more than his relationship to his lover, his family, his hometown, his country, to God, or the universe. A man's relationship to himself is the archetypal relationship. After death the best of us collapse into such a solarity. God is solitude.

The ultimate cultural seeds have always been and will always be poetic myths. All the scriptures and great books of the world frame our inner and outer reality, be we ever so illiterate and unread. That a few of us do read them, and religiously, critically, deeply, reverently or blasphemously, is enough, by overt and subtle communications, to atone the whole. This is why Allism, in my immediate expression of it, is a writing cult, and its basic ideal is not the servant, as with Christianity, which lacks any accent on creativity in its New Testament, or the traveling beggar, as with Buddhism, which likewise corresponds beauty with desire with suffering; archetypal we are with Mattriama before the mirror at time zero, and we are with Eru, fatal pen in hand: the first to read, the second to write – the archetype of the Poet.

Since we are all already Allists, Christians and Buddhists included, these other archetypes naturally must fit, and the indifferency of sacred object is especially true for the self-determined individualist, as compared to the family member, who believes the same out of love; we can choose to revere a given form, and hold it as reverently as does a group member. For though it is easier to believe in groups, given the external confirmation and reinforcement, by which he internalizes the "secret magic words" of a given religion, there are those who realize we are playing a Game in life, as the gods of life, who can revere something according to personal and private selection, so that the world never knows what the game is, and is played by us, and only the few with us. The prowess of the player, the secrecy of intellect. Profundity loves a mask.

Thus a few of the particular moves of Allism include problematizing, by which I mean being able to confound any given statement or position. We may problematize by mirroring, which means turning a noun into a verb or a verb into a noun, and having it act upon itself. How do we problematize problematization, for instance? Being able to brace any situation in a metalayer, a scaffold, a framework, being able to outline, comes again from our foundation in reading, that all things can be read and interpreted. Interpretation too can be interpreted. Reading can be read. Nor must we take science as any sort of final authority, since that particular method, the cult that grew from that method, will eventually exhaust itself, and as magic and religion peaked and then dissolved into other forms, so will science as well, as a new means of knowledge presents itself.

The self-possession required to be able to intensely doubt, or to intensely believe, requires self-reflection, mirror meditation, the anchoring of a man into himself, and the evoking of the voice of certainty – the voice of Ama. The cluster of Allistic forms surround the mirror, with its visual echo, and the internal monologue made two, the audio reflection. The line drawing, the manic dance, and the butterfly chord progression variate this theme – once we have secured the idea, we can adapt it to any register.

The flexibility of Allism comes from the deific nature of the Allist: since all religions are his, he may adapt any form he wants – the forgiveness of Christianity, the submission of Islam, the detachment of Buddhism, or the husbandry of Mormonism.

The foolishness of any religion or philosophy is to underestimate the others, as atheists who marvel at the miraculousness that people believe in miracles, or the Christian assurance that Hinduism is hopelessly muddled. Ignorance is strength, and it belongs to shallow people to prejudge all other beliefs as patent foolishness. The each-and-all philosophy of Allism affirms both prejudice and rejudging, both blasphemy and piety. Power is power and we take it where we find it. Ultimately, knowing how to read deep books is religious, re-ligere, meaning "to read again." We are able to disciple under a given voice, person, or system, intensely and mono-maniacally, and use, as we need, the Judas kiss to disengage ourselves thereafter. Books are the ultimate transmitters of culture, and to control the great books, to write our own, to write poetry, is the deepest power possible to man. The poet, the Aya, writes a circle on chaos, choosing something with suitable gravity to saddle with sacred meaning, endowing the timely with the eternal, as with a personality cult, a cult practice, or anything solid and savory. As I am bridled in breathe, the lisp of Ama, my allform shines in her, and she the Muse of my inner sun.



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Perfection Is Easy



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