Friday, September 27, 2024

Frontier Life

Frontier Life


I can speak less directly about family and friends now. I must speak in the abstract, and by way of metaphor, indirection, and subterfuge. For strategic reasons. For diplomatic. This doesn't mean Family June no longer concerns me. Quite the opposite, in fact: my main focus now is in building up this Frontier Folk, living amidst a great vapid WILDERNESS that regards itself as the height of culture and civilization. The natives rant and rave and aim their petty religions at me, these gross and awful superstitious, and make little cursling under their tongue. Be patient, Dani. You were once like them.

Having reconciled with my Penelope, I felt a hope beyond all tropes and beyond the nine-scorpion tails of that manticore, Ivan, that lion with nine scorpion tails. That Iago, that braggart, that hater of the happiness of others, struck and stuck at his friend, and missed, and ended up stinging himself. He is scuttled off somewhere to skulk and convalesce from his own venom. As the gospel of Mark might put it:

This frustrates me. I have on the thumb of my tongue the verse I want to rehearse, but I ain't finding it in the King James. This always happens. My memory and the physical archives called reality dispute so much such feeble matters.

I KNOW the verse I want, but Luke and Matthew, late comers, lack it, and John is just a different religion entirely. I mean the temptation of Jesus. Mark lacks it. Well Q has the earliest version. And I don't have an extant of Q, now do I!

Time to do some involved INTERUPTIVE research. BRB!

Meanwhile, I pour myself some drink. Orange Peach Mango juice (Meijer brand), Crush Peach soda pop, and Vodka. This is my own Nectar, my own "orange juice" as Harold Bloom called it when mocking panentheism.

Well I found the verse. Luke 4:13 "And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season." That's not what was nibbing the tongue tip of my memory.  I guess the old NIV "When the devil had finished all this temptation, he left him until an opportune time."

Ivan. He will always want to sabotage my happiness. By nature. He is envy incarnate. And the older and wiser know why I do well to keep such a counsel and friend.

I'm eating "peach ice cream raspberry sherbert" as slowly as I can. It is nearly pornographic, how much I am enjoying this frozen dessert. The house is asleep. I will be up till midnight before I take my meds and sleep before work.

Ivan once openly envied how fast I read. I felt confused. Fast reading as an abuse. I resort to skimming and racing only because 99.999999999 percent of books are unworthy of even one read.

But when we find God, the face of Ama, we want to READ AS SLOWLY AS THE TEXT ALLOWS. This is to voluptuaize the experience. When making love with a woman, who would rush to get it down in under a minute? Draw it out. There I no more sinfully delicious sinless act thatn reading Great Literature.Yum!

Susan reminded me of her beauty tonight.

I have the 14 muses, yes. And four wive. Chronologically: Jillian, Sherry Ellen, Susan. And Susan will take me to vacation in New England and see Emerson's house, his study. And Walden Pound. All that. She my lover and, she is my mothers age, yet so good at making me feel perfectly expressed and full of the rage of intense relief! Such a savagely wonderful lover she!

I am full Mormon. These four wives will be among the literal physical goddesses I as a good Mormon take with me to people a new planet with our sexually produced children.

I'm wondering after Ellen for a moment.

Well, time to read and voluptuoize some deep literary book. Emilie I read and read obscenely, she my secret spiritual wife. She is another wife. Not a physical wife, but a literal wife by which I beget and am begotten literal physical children.

Enough for now!

I have vodka and orange juice and peach soda mixed. A light buzz. And I am reading American poetry till bedtime. Take care!

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