Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:
So lately all I've been able to write is a few allays at a time. Now that I've taken up the postprandial habit of going for a 45 minute hike, I have found inspiration to pick up the Emilegends, which I hope to work out in my mind over the next few weeks.
I have finally received some pay for my freelance work (my boss has been grossly belated in getting me my pay), and meanwhile I am looking for another job or jobs.
Other than that each day is Everyday.
Take Care, Caretakers!
* 1025 *
Every name entitles a person, summons to the periphery of consciousness a host of adjectives and modifiers, and about these, summary images which condense scenes and actions we consider definitive to that person's being. His being is in his becoming. Such power of peripety we have that even fatal actions reverse themselves if we know the call; we can convert the constellations.
These clusters of equations define like an arpeggio the eternal chord of their living Name, which haunts us long after they die, as the summation of their change in our world.
That set of hidden modifiers that hovers about each name acts as overtones, as every instrument has an infinite set, so that the way the name shapes in our mouth when we say it teaches us how to speak sentences about it. We taste its way, just as we intuitively know which dish goes with which.
Whenever we address a topic, the brain summons its location amidst the associations, so when we speak of a person, parts of our brain reexperience the full clusters, and consciously we can only speak in a limited set of ways allowed by that subcutical set of experiences. We feel to say this or that, and were we to deceive, the body yet tells.
* 1024 *
How to charge a word? Like the phallus of man -- his "Godcock" as the Dionysians taught us to respect the sacred organ -- gets charged and supercharged through flirts and frustrations, till finally it discharges in a glorious come-uppance, so our vocabulary too can be charged, invested with valence, to do work and seek time. The simple science of operant conditioning, of rewards or punishments associated with a word, charges that word with meaning, and though this is not how mankind learns language, yet there is something to it, that positive reinforcement charges and supercharges a word.
Or make a word taboo – it instantly trebles in interest. We are all taboo-breakers at heart, being, in our centermost, independent, so when we place a solid and menacing NO over a word, the lust for expression charges it, and it sulks and skulks in our unconscious, awaiting its emergency.
God-terms are often taboo, as most people don't speak openly of money matters, or admit – unless they are advertising – their relationship with the divine. Airing your dirty laundry publicly is also bad taste, and so certain topics gain valence through suppression, like a geyser stopped, waiting for a full ejaculation. What matters is, knowing this, feeling this, we can strategize it as well, and build our valance over our trigger terms.
* 1026 *
Sometimes when I mis-hear a song, as from a distance, or amidst distracting noise, I barely hear the lilt that could be -- which makes my soul tremble, as though it were the melody that brought my Self to this body, some possibility of absolute bliss as I've had in dreams, and for handspans in waking life. Were I able to hold those musical epiphanies long enough to memorize them and write them down, I would be the consummate musician. As it is, they are little tells of our heaven together. Hidden modifiers color every name.
* 1027 *
Of the super-personalities of history – Socrates, Siddhartha, Confucius, and Jesus – Siddhartha warned the most against metaphysical pursuits, yet dabbled in it more than Confucius, who managed his greatness without supernatural claims. Buddhism works better as a practice than a belief, and for Confucianism, learning matters for practice. Of all three, Siddhartha emptied himself of personality; as befits the Nirvana seeker, his lack of personality is his practice. Like King Arthur and Robin Hood, the figures – of whom we have zero historical certainty, only a resounding historical effect – inspire endless meditation and recurrent speculation. What makes for such a super-personality – a Hamlet, a Quixote? Perhaps it is the method of their madness – by which I mean their unique mode of experiencing the world – that manages to infect the rest of us who care to study. A character is a center of consciousness, and exists in eternity, though we meet him in time.
* 1028 *
Success is the last step of many failures. What matters is if you persist even if it is reasonable to quit.
* 1029 *
I have my Everyday, and each day amounts to Everyday, except for holidays / vacations and events. A holiday or a vacation does not change the Everday, but reinforces it; the event, however, changes the calculus of the Everday, adding new coordinates. And so we have the same old fights we always do, with variations along the way, to add interest, spice, but with nothing really changing; we have our pleasures, our ups and downs, which all compensate, we have our stirs and our whorls. For every unbalance along the way – a cold, a flat tire, any sort of incident – we compensate with our modes of processing till the Everyday returns, by and by, perhaps stronger. Events come as traumas or perhaps hidden suspicions and doubts that grow to such a size that the system can no longer manage them. Some events are irrational, or completely nonrational until we impose a rationale upon them in retrospect – which we invariably do. So which is the event: the irrationality or the interpretation or the acceptance of one interpretation among many?
* 1030 *
Many things have been established as Holy. Certain books have been called Holy (the Bible, the Quran, the Upanishads), certain cities have been declared Holy (Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca, Salt Lake City), certain locations (the Ganges), certain persons (Odin, Zeus) – but has a movie ever been in itself Holy? Certainly, there have been Jewish movies, Christian movies, Hindu movies – religious tales, iconography, and imagery permeate secular and pious cinema. But why is there no film object corresponding to the Quran? Or what else out there could yet be Holy?
* 1031 *
I suppose even grey beef could be redeemed with the right savior, the savory goodness of the right Sauce – for Sauce is all. You are the sauce of the All, so whet yourself with the spices of life, the zest of every text and tradition, every art form and felt-to-the-flesh intimate experience, alluring with allusions and aloof with suggestibility. So many dimensions of flavor you offer, part of you raw, part of you burnt, with the bite of chili powder, or the burn of curry, the zip of cinnamon, so much like the all-mead, chai, spiced milk, which we drink in Joiner to consummate our love with the Allmother. Be Ye Sauce! Ah, the allsauce, a hybrid of various recipes, so many spices in one lava, with a secret turn of your own – black cardamom, mace, coriander, parsley, mustard, garlic, ginger, mint, paprika, saffron, garam masala, dill, bay leaf, asafetida, ground fennel seed, cinnamon, cumin, onion. Rhetoric maketh everything fine. I think I could read on any topic at all, any mud dull text at all, so long as the author was genuinely enthusiastic about his subject, and fluent enough in language to express that enthusiasm. Nothing succeeds without enthusiasm. So, my saucy upstarts, save that dish with your savory mischief, the world a meal for the God.
-- R ᴤ88s Я --
Perfection Is Easy