Friday, September 18, 2009

experimental sentence


Okay, I am practicing on structuring larger sentences. This one is not quite periodical because it lacks the suspense a long sentence demands …. But at least it’s a start!

Does it make sense? Can it be read?






The I begins in the synesthesia of a bodybrain, at one and baubled; the preteen holds his pristine I, slowly force to take inside the monument of WE – that social sphere that becomes his world, for the underconscious is formed on the figure of our external equipment – through the ME that grows like a skin with upon the touch of the world, for childhood is trauma, and to take in the great monument cathedral of world of WE, to surround the ME, and the ME to negotiate the world to the I, and the I to seek to fulfill the Needs of the Self, we must swallow the whole thing down, a long hard swallow, ten years of childhood, for which he must compensate him continually with play, lest he be overcome as the great Roman Empire was overcome and swallowed itself back up into the WE of Roman Holy Catholic, allowed and continued through hundreds of traditions, faked or real, and that’s the preteen and it suffices till the teenage years, 13-17, the clashing of the epics, or the break with the parent generation, the full acceptance and ambivalence of a WE this generation, and here at last the ME becomes thoroughly embedded in its own WE, and the adjectives weak and tough become the tell and value of the man, where emotions become words for the first time, where the child becomes the poetic youth – and poetry rightly belongs here, for the youth can no longer swallow the Althing, the Thing of the society, as the child did, must start to spit it back and rebel, come into head, finally, at the years 18-20, the dropping of the initial WE to test and and empower the ME in the world of work, and it is this decade when the character-as-worker is defined and grows, the window of opportunity for our work-character, our productive-character (here we internalize work), and again some long eating, but the mind is no synesthesia, now we can only consciously concentrate on four things—they must be beautiful and simple, rather than cluttered and sophisticated, as they are in the inner of the thing swallowed—and only when they are painted plausibly as a unity, for usually we can think only of one, till again, the I self-overcomes, and wants to shed again the ME now to make a stronger ME for this new WE, and that is the 30-36 age of apotheosis, when the youth becomes an individual, the great age of Buddha, Jesus, Emerson, Nietzche, when each championed his break with the former ME and became something better, and here again emotions become words, we have a new ME to imbed a freer I, till at last at the ages 37-40 we gain the height of our creative power, and the new ME chooses at last a strong WE, and here nouns become containers, a name a container of verbs, for nouns and names alone contain, and verbs and adjectives huddle within them, and at last language is controllable, the man is mature, and contains, as a worldman, till the ages of 50-60, the wisdoming of the man, he becomes a central nerve to the collective consciousness, that great onemind that thinks through the nerve that each man is, and communicates to itself through art, the thinking of a society and world as a single consciousness – and to see this we must make our friends into our professors, or work into our laboratory, each incident into a textbook to the whole.




Perfection Is Easy


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