Monday, April 6, 2009

Revision of the ten commandments

Okay, I am working on a new and improved ten commandments. Can you suggest any other universally relavent commandments?
Ten commandments revised


You will benefit yourself, your family and friends, and all men, if you follow those eight laws.

One -- seek for, discover, choose, create, imitate, honor, and become Great, the greatest possible for you to know, seek, and become.

Two -- Work a living, as best as it is reasonable and you are able.

Three -- Honour your father, love your mother, and you will be mentally and emotionally stable.

Four -- Murder no man or woman, nor abuse them with violence or rape.

Five -- Be true to your wife or husband, and reserve your sexuality for this alone.

Six -- Own only what you have gained fairly and honestly.

Seven -- Speak only the truth, when a lie will damage.

Eight -- Protect and encourage your children, above all, and by degrees all children in turn.






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