Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas Gift from Me to You

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:





Here Is a free PDF of my complete and finished Allays.


Merry Christmas!

Take Care, Caretakers!




-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Allays of Master Play Complete


Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:



So I've sent you piece by piece the complete text of the Allays of Maser Play. I've taken your recommendations and that of the writers group I participate in, edited the text, and finally published it on Amazon:




If you found any of the allays inspiring, please take the time to write a recommendation of amazon. Potential buyers are convinced not so much by the positive reviews alone, but by the number of reviews. Also, consider purchasing the book as well!


Thank you!

Take care, Caretakers!


-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Thursday, October 25, 2018

allays 1049-1054

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:


Everything is predictable and normal in my life. I'm working part time, spend a lot of time with the kids, have been editing my old books, but not writing much as of late.

Take care, Caretakers!


* 1049 *

Set an Aya anywhere, anonymous she, the system will bend. Flowers grow from her footfalls, the animals perk, the neighborhood improves, all things hum to the emanating threads of cadence from out her dance and song. Wherever she falls she's a center. Never was our way opened by a suffering servant, but by this happy and happy-making woman, a beauty to look upon, who makes no excuses and has no designs upon your soul – she the One, the setter of times. Our presence is a present to wherever we alight, and like a visit from a hummingbird, the day is more cheerful when a hidden one walks by.



Patience is intelligence. Mind is master of time. What we require is akin to the poet, who, having his generative rhythm, is able to produce a whole poem by its logic. In getting a new job, in writing a book, in building a friendship, we need only the cadence, the rhythm-engendering argument, the generative rhythm, and once we have that, we anticipate the whole — understand it in our own words and comprehend it in a summary. We must be able to call the tune. Once you hold the key, the game is over, you can express the idea in a thousand forms, in a thousand genres. What matters is intuiting the Grammar, the secret recipe, the argument, the generative rhythm. Have the patience — the intelligence — to study a theme mercilessly, and every secret is yours to take.



* 1051 *

Once we've formulated the logic of our way, we need the courage to follow it through to the end. A great consistency, a loyalty to your truth no matter where it might take you, alone will bring you home. What began as intuition and romance persists as logic and marriage – no longer exciting and easy and fun, but exacting and exhausting and perilous. That we make vows for such things shows how perilous they are. Were it easy, no binding word would be called for. Who at last has courage to enact his truth? It is all too easy to condemn the world and the million things wrong with it. Show the beauty you love — that would be something! Be the difference you would see. Make the difference that makes a difference. For good or evil, join yourself finally to your own – there is nothing else.


* 1052 *

Time is the appregio, eternity the chord. Would that we could hear the entire symphony as one chord! The spiral of eternal increase wraps resonantly around the chord of life, the umbilical chord, that, upon death, when cut, opens us up to the higher birth, as the imago, upon the divine plane, within the full body of our influence.


* 1053 *

We define ourselves by determining what we are not. Of all the friends and acquaintances we meet, we may say, "I am not like him, her, or the other," and even when we say, "Yes, I would be like him," we are careful to map a difference. Seldom does it seem so, but to lose your friends and social standing because you've arrived at an unpopular truth is noble. To stand alone is a noble thing.


* 1054 *

We invest our playing tokens with care. What we care about we identify with. How people manage to care so much whether their sports team wins is somewhat of a mystery to me, yet I take pride when America wins in the Olympics – for whatever reason. We play the game by caring about politics, celebrities, sports, moral issues -- whatever. It doesn't matter what, so long as you know not to care too much, not to over invest yourself into the Game. Life is too important to be taken seriously.

The strategy of Stoic indifference, of Buddhist detachment, or Cynical sarcasm all have use, depending on our playing style. Some of these poor fools suffer the Game the way they rant and rave. Be cooler than that. Lose if you must, but not your cool.



-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Wednesday, October 3, 2018

allays 1043- 1048

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:



So I've landed a little nothing job doing customer service at Office Max in the few hours I have totally to myself (7 am – 2 pm). That will let me pay off my debts. I am taking a break from freelance writing as I've been uninspired lately.

I've been having a fun with the challenge of helping Emilie, my 8-year-old, ace her spelling tests.

Other than that, everything is as it always is.


Take care, Caretaker!


* 1043 *

We have of the substances of the universe the fire of logos, the sayable, whose theologian was Heraclitus, and the water of the tao, the ineffable, whose theologian was Lao Tse. The way of water is to perpetually bow, but the image of flame is to rise to heaven. Where shall we italicize, the knowable or the unknowable, the rational or the mystical, West or East? Indeed, need we subordinate? Both grow.


* 1044 *

We are made of the body of Mattria – the substance of God, not the image, and the idea of a hypocritical God making a clay idol in the image of God and then calling such an act the number one sin is all a bit too much for us artists who love to suggest the divine in all our graven and literary images. Mattria made all the universe from her substance, she the arch-artist. We are most like her when we create.


* 1045 *

Children everywhere suffer the travails of growing up and find spiritual nurturance in fairy tales. But be the child ever so much a prodigy, he could never develop on his own such a fulfilling fantasy as the fairy tales teach him. Those were created by generations and generations of parents and children. People think in stories. Memorizing bald facts numbs the mind, but tell stories about them and you will remember them in a cinch. This is why we suffer dreamers to walk among us. Dreamers teach us how to fantasize, and fantasies teach us how to live. Yes, we rightly discourage the artists among us, just as we stamp out cult leaders. No religious group endured more hardships in America than the Mormons. Artist and prophets are the lowest of the low unless they succeed. Their entire career is a sort of shooting for the moon. A few make it big, most fail into obsolescence. For dreams are serious business, and Communist dreams have woken us up to living nightmares. Dare to dream, therefore – if you've made it this far with me you have the requisite courage. Hold to your dreams, though all the world attempt to shout you down and stomp you out. We are a gift to the universe.


* 1046 *

I give one corner; I expect my students to infer the other three. I offer the top of the arch and my disciples will bring them to earth. Strong suggestions that hold and hold, I offer this, but I merely plant the world tree: you must tend her.


* 1047 *

With genres, we know what we're in for and can keep in the game till the end. Literary fiction might be asking too much for a presleep treat. But we have those twin genres, fantasy with its magical past, and sci-fi with its technological future, both playing past the tedium of making a plausible story with reality-based details by focusing exclusively on nonsense to reveal a certain breed of sense. Every genre reveals something best, and as we've seen countless genres, each having their heyday, with new ones coming soon, we might wed our words to a set of rules – to a game – that speaks to us, whether mystery, horror, fable, parable, sonnets, or whatever.

So what genre are we living, each of us in our private and public situations? For lives also take on tempo, tone, emphasis, and stereotypical plotlines. Certainly, ever profession has its stereotypes, as do the various sexual orientations, the various religions, or what have you. What defines you?


* 1048 *

I cage the wolf spider I find in the basement and name her Agora. I drop a cricket from the yard, black and jumpy, down into her tank, and he lodges in the web, freaks out, and pops like corn, jumping left, right, smacking Agora in the face with his audacious leaps. I take him out and set him back in the yard. The next day I put a feeder cricket from the local pet store into Agora's cage. He hops about curiously, fumbles into some web, and then – sits there. Kinda strains for a second to dislodge himself and then gives up. He doesn't even struggle enough to alert Agora. She happens upon him later, when inspecting her web, and quietly poisons him and bundles him up.

Am I heard? Men, be wild! Don't let yourselves become domesticated!



-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Tuesday, September 25, 2018

allays 1038 - 1042

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life –



Well the kids are back in school, and my last job hasn't paid me, so I'm looking for work. Not much more going on than that. I've spent more time reading than writing lately – gestating on the next big thing.


Take care, Caretakers!



* 1038 *

Ama faces me as the sun, spilling her blonde tresses upon me. I the fatherless, I the self-begotten! Take your stand, my love; stand forth and stand out. Love your children and take pride in your work. Time to grow.


As within the inner of the sun where I see the glyph of her soul, so Niviana, once in a while you cease your pranks and all that nonsense you insist is truth and dare the naked inflections. Those words imprint upon me. I can seldom get this tender touch, but I hold forever thereto when I do.


Great works of art, like human souls, spiral down in layers upon layers. The child gains grace from her level of the story, the adult from hers. An inspired work is infinite, offers reward for whomever studies, no matter what their capacity. So I read your face again and again, catching divergent glints each time.


* 1039 *

There are two who may do bad alone, but because they have each other are ashamed and become good. There are two who lack courage to do bad alone, but because of each other, both transgress. "They bring out the best in each other, they bring out the worst in each other." Such a peculiar alchemy is love – who can predict what could come of it?


* 1040 *

I chase the will-o-wisps from book to book, through read and reread tomes to volumes I never touched, following a phrase, following a whim through her echoes, seeking finally that absolute blessing: inspiration.


* 1041 *

We stagnate in writer's block till we can translate our personal problems into artistic problems. What we solve symbolically heals us, and if the reader can relate our art to his own personal problems – consciously or unconsciously – we will have communicated. So much work is required to find analogs and codes to reframe idiosyncratic obsessions and personal injuries as a universal vocabulary.

Every language is good at processing some other language. Irreverence and blasphemy jolt piety and devotion. Youth culture insulates its growing gnosis through a jargon confusing to adults. In this way, every layer of language hides its prizes from the prying eyes of the world, and yet addresses some other language, processes it, embarrasses it, exposes its hypocrisies and self-deceptions. And as each personality is a language, a system of languages, we each ultimately speak an idiolect, and a different one for each audience who joins us. Lux Sophia, Language herself, grows out of a medium, the way the Socratic Dialect grew out of Sophistry – is impossible without it. And Jesus' criticism of religion (Judaism) in favor of spirituality (a relationship with God) quickly got encoded so the church would perpetually recreate the hapless parodied Pharisees – such that Christians regard themselves as the only true virtuous in all the world, and everybody else as pitiable sinners.

And so we encode the language that summoned us. As our individual Selves are the energy of our parents' shared orgasms – the tone of the whole primordial scene — so are we at our best self-identity in the bliss of overcoming.


* 1042 *

Meanings crystallize into assumptions -- ideas, more or less formed. Those ideas that resonate with our culture bolster their tense and grow stout and formidable. The ideas of the ancients persist, though the meanings we put into the crystalline forms differ. Differentiated crea, or meaning, moves us in different directions, as one may express anger or fear or love through the very same idea of justice. As a sort of crystalline conduit, like the cell of a bone, these ideas add their vitality to form full constructs – bones – which support our habits and routines. A motive is an idea plus a desire, and the habitual desires we are likely to form depend on the inflected and differentiated energy with put into them. What we need from the world determines what we seek therefrom.

The necessary plateaus in life, when growth wanes and we stay our way on a long flat haul, might discourage us – too boring for comfort – yet in such moments we build our frustration as a differentiated fluid, a fuel set when ready to inspire us to aspire towards a higher goal. Even the doldrums do their work. So keep your course despite the dull – you are growing in dimensions you will one day appreciate.


-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Tuesday, September 11, 2018

allays 1032 - 1037


* 1032 *

The allays make a fractured mirror by which you may see deep inside yourself. So many slivers and facets to catch by surprise some inner glint of light. You may well mutter, "yes…no…maybe….I doubt it," yet all such talk comes to nothing. I give you the directions to the innermost, the centermost sun, and to the All, Mattriama. Unless you experience these things for yourself, you have not read me.


* 1033 *

Inspiration is the better-than-sex perfection of incadenscent exuberance. Ama the Muse, inspirer of all books, return again to me! I go into withdrawals when you are gone.


* 1034 *

Like the squirrel, we hide our hopeful nut, only to return one day, baffled by the oak. We hide our hopes in mythic space, the way the persecuted Christians represented by the author of Revelation imagined a major come-uppance when God would destroy their persecutors – and all the world, horribly – and would glorify them in heaven. So we all ferret our gold in some privy place, and speak of it only by innuendo. I have never met a man who admitted he looked forward to the "bosom of Abraham," but I think often enough of the bosom of Ama, and sober myself upon our trustful tryst point – the cosmic marriage.

Those audacious criminals returning to the hell of Mattria's womb for a recast will be better for the second baptism. Others prefer the annihilation of melting back into nature, the turn of her breath – and this is a cool lasting bliss. Progress is certain, if not automatic.


* 1035 *

How much do we owe to the ancient Greeks, and in particular to their mangod Socrates? The world's greatest succession of masters to disciples moves from Socrates to Plato to Aristotle to Alexander the Great. To them we owe the college, the academy, the university, the gymnasium – and indeed the Torah study, as the Jews, in their transition from a temple cult to a Torah cult, explicitly emulated the Platonic school. Theology, science, the Olympics, literary criticism, theatre, drama, comedy – all Greek, and so much sourced in the ultimate epic writer, Homer, and in the creation of the Western Dialogue as a whole, from Plato and his Socrates. The West owes more to these figures than to any others.


* 1036 *

Few children have suffered as much as they have in the imagination of their parents. Poor wretches, they imagine in advance every possible bludgeoning, car accident, dog mauling, and kidnapping, and this so they can prevent all that. I wonder if the dystopian novels inoculate us in the same manner? There is something terrible in the mien of a leader, who accepts such dangers – and for a long time I wondered why Ruggles' "Sun-treader," this Hyperborean of the sun, struck such a militant and fierce tone. I know all too well that a complete vision includes the possibility of failure.

So we need both, dread and hope, as a full anticipation. That makes for strategy. Imagining easy victory and nothing but – I don't care what the "law of attraction" claims, it ain't gonna happen. If imagining victory were enough, pent teens would be less lonely. We must view a matter from every angle.


* 1037 *

The dimensions of female allure hang on the coordinates of sexiness and cuteness, an embodiment of Blake's innocence and experience. As women grow, they remain more childlike in appearance; as men grow they remain more childlike in temperament. Having somewhat mastered both, in the brilliant alchemy that mingles oppositions, sexiness and cuteness cast the meddling spell that lead Confucius to despair, "the world prefers beauty to virtue!"

Women aren't the only ones with charms and spells. The advertisers are the ultimate seducers. They've studied us severely, and found the two words buyers never tire of: "New," and "Free." We seldom buy a product without getting "20 percent free," and every formula is "New and improved." They anticipate us at every turn.

The religions also know our number. "Death," and "Blessings," get us – fear of death, and specifically, what lies beyond it, and the idea we might be blessed or rewarded were we to obey and practice. All the world religions offer variations on these two dimensions.



-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Wednesday, September 5, 2018

update, allays 1024-1031

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:


So lately all I've been able to write is a few allays at a time. Now that I've taken up the postprandial habit of going for a 45 minute hike, I have found inspiration to pick up the Emilegends, which I hope to work out in my mind over the next few weeks.

I have finally received some pay for my freelance work (my boss has been grossly belated in getting me my pay), and meanwhile I am looking for another job or jobs.

Other than that each day is Everyday.

Take Care, Caretakers!



* 1025 *

Every name entitles a person, summons to the periphery of consciousness a host of adjectives and modifiers, and about these, summary images which condense scenes and actions we consider definitive to that person's being. His being is in his becoming. Such power of peripety we have that even fatal actions reverse themselves if we know the call; we can convert the constellations.

These clusters of equations define like an arpeggio the eternal chord of their living Name, which haunts us long after they die, as the summation of their change in our world.


That set of hidden modifiers that hovers about each name acts as overtones, as every instrument has an infinite set, so that the way the name shapes in our mouth when we say it teaches us how to speak sentences about it. We taste its way, just as we intuitively know which dish goes with which.


Whenever we address a topic, the brain summons its location amidst the associations, so when we speak of a person, parts of our brain reexperience the full clusters, and consciously we can only speak in a limited set of ways allowed by that subcutical set of experiences. We feel to say this or that, and were we to deceive, the body yet tells.


* 1024 *

How to charge a word? Like the phallus of man -- his "Godcock" as the Dionysians taught us to respect the sacred organ -- gets charged and supercharged through flirts and frustrations, till finally it discharges in a glorious come-uppance, so our vocabulary too can be charged, invested with valence, to do work and seek time. The simple science of operant conditioning, of rewards or punishments associated with a word, charges that word with meaning, and though this is not how mankind learns language, yet there is something to it, that positive reinforcement charges and supercharges a word.

Or make a word taboo – it instantly trebles in interest. We are all taboo-breakers at heart, being, in our centermost, independent, so when we place a solid and menacing NO over a word, the lust for expression charges it, and it sulks and skulks in our unconscious, awaiting its emergency.

God-terms are often taboo, as most people don't speak openly of money matters, or admit – unless they are advertising – their relationship with the divine. Airing your dirty laundry publicly is also bad taste, and so certain topics gain valence through suppression, like a geyser stopped, waiting for a full ejaculation. What matters is, knowing this, feeling this, we can strategize it as well, and build our valance over our trigger terms.


* 1026 *

Sometimes when I mis-hear a song, as from a distance, or amidst distracting noise, I barely hear the lilt that could be -- which makes my soul tremble, as though it were the melody that brought my Self to this body, some possibility of absolute bliss as I've had in dreams, and for handspans in waking life. Were I able to hold those musical epiphanies long enough to memorize them and write them down, I would be the consummate musician. As it is, they are little tells of our heaven together. Hidden modifiers color every name.


* 1027 *

Of the super-personalities of history – Socrates, Siddhartha, Confucius, and Jesus – Siddhartha warned the most against metaphysical pursuits, yet dabbled in it more than Confucius, who managed his greatness without supernatural claims. Buddhism works better as a practice than a belief, and for Confucianism, learning matters for practice. Of all three, Siddhartha emptied himself of personality; as befits the Nirvana seeker, his lack of personality is his practice. Like King Arthur and Robin Hood, the figures – of whom we have zero historical certainty, only a resounding historical effect – inspire endless meditation and recurrent speculation. What makes for such a super-personality – a Hamlet, a Quixote? Perhaps it is the method of their madness – by which I mean their unique mode of experiencing the world – that manages to infect the rest of us who care to study. A character is a center of consciousness, and exists in eternity, though we meet him in time.


* 1028 *

Success is the last step of many failures. What matters is if you persist even if it is reasonable to quit.


* 1029 *

I have my Everyday, and each day amounts to Everyday, except for holidays / vacations and events. A holiday or a vacation does not change the Everday, but reinforces it; the event, however, changes the calculus of the Everday, adding new coordinates. And so we have the same old fights we always do, with variations along the way, to add interest, spice, but with nothing really changing; we have our pleasures, our ups and downs, which all compensate, we have our stirs and our whorls. For every unbalance along the way – a cold, a flat tire, any sort of incident – we compensate with our modes of processing till the Everyday returns, by and by, perhaps stronger. Events come as traumas or perhaps hidden suspicions and doubts that grow to such a size that the system can no longer manage them. Some events are irrational, or completely nonrational until we impose a rationale upon them in retrospect – which we invariably do. So which is the event: the irrationality or the interpretation or the acceptance of one interpretation among many?


* 1030 *

Many things have been established as Holy. Certain books have been called Holy (the Bible, the Quran, the Upanishads), certain cities have been declared Holy (Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca, Salt Lake City), certain locations (the Ganges), certain persons (Odin, Zeus) – but has a movie ever been in itself Holy? Certainly, there have been Jewish movies, Christian movies, Hindu movies – religious tales, iconography, and imagery permeate secular and pious cinema. But why is there no film object corresponding to the Quran? Or what else out there could yet be Holy?


* 1031 *

I suppose even grey beef could be redeemed with the right savior, the savory goodness of the right Sauce – for Sauce is all. You are the sauce of the All, so whet yourself with the spices of life, the zest of every text and tradition, every art form and felt-to-the-flesh intimate experience, alluring with allusions and aloof with suggestibility. So many dimensions of flavor you offer, part of you raw, part of you burnt, with the bite of chili powder, or the burn of curry, the zip of cinnamon, so much like the all-mead, chai, spiced milk, which we drink in Joiner to consummate our love with the Allmother. Be Ye Sauce! Ah, the allsauce, a hybrid of various recipes, so many spices in one lava, with a secret turn of your own – black cardamom, mace, coriander, parsley, mustard, garlic, ginger, mint, paprika, saffron, garam masala, dill, bay leaf, asafetida, ground fennel seed, cinnamon, cumin, onion. Rhetoric maketh everything fine. I think I could read on any topic at all, any mud dull text at all, so long as the author was genuinely enthusiastic about his subject, and fluent enough in language to express that enthusiasm. Nothing succeeds without enthusiasm. So, my saucy upstarts, save that dish with your savory mischief, the world a meal for the God.



-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Allays 1018 - 1023

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:


So just more of the same over here: kids back in school, a few hours in the day for a job. I've applied at Schuler's Book Store. I will talk to their hiring manager tomorrow (Wednesday).

Take Care Caretakers!


* 1018 *

Ordinary people delight in the extraordinary; the Sage delights in the ordinary. What but all our childhood stories of dragons and knights and women too-beautiful-to-compare mean the very mundane day-to-day struggles the adult faces in the workplace, in politics, at home? For those who have no eye for subtleties, we show them grand exaggerations, mountains out of molehills, gods out of excellent men, and heroes out of everyday folk. Each morning is a resurrection, and each evening a samsara – we lead many lives successively, many lives at the same time, all within a hundred-year span. To see infinity in the everyday marks the eye of the wise.


* 1019 *

The Hebrew Prophets sublimated the grossness of Mosaic Law, redefining principles, reinterpreting old commands, making over completely the religion while yet claiming fidelity to it, just as the Upanishadists metaphorized Vedic Laws and introduced the personal to what before was communal. The New Testament goes one step further, with Jesus reinterpreting the law, "Love your fellow Jew as yourself," as, "Love everybody in the world as yourself," and with Paul recommending, "circumcision of the heart," as opposed to literally cutting the foreskin -- just as Buddhism made the whole of religion only about ending suffering. Nobody civilized sacrifices animals anymore, though they all used to. It gets to be that in practice Christians and Buddhists, on the whole, can feel, believe, say, and do anything at all, and still take pride in their titles. The more sublimated, the more gassy. Most Buddhists don't even meditate – they leave that to the monks; Christians rarely leave father, mother, wife, son, daughter, and all wealth to follow the Way. Leave that to the saints. Religions are fashions. The only thing that keeps them vital, nevertheless, are the deep practitioners in the center, the hearts that pump blood even to something as remote as the flakiest skin.


* 1020 *

"Guard your manly power, your health and strength, from all hurts and violations – this is the most sacred charge you will ever have in your keeping." Thus said Whitman, and indeed, the only beauty in man is power, in the strength and health of his body, and in his body-trained will to attack, attack, attack all that offends one's vision of truth. Man proper is athlete, enduring the pain, and ever greater pain, of growth and overcoming, the training of sport, and vigorous recreation – and this speaks most of all to such book-nibblers as ourselves upon whom the whole spiritual health of the future depends – us posterity's darlings, god's darlings -- with our duty to our strength and health. The mind is the body, and all thoughts come from the body, the experiences of the body.

In the swarthy vitality of the Prophet Smith, we see an eager beamer, haughty and proud to triumph wrestling his friends and contenders to the ground. A farmer's boy, a lush bumpkin, he never despaired the primacy of the body. Know that the mind is by nature eternally embodied, and know that the mind finds its health and main in the body and its pluck. Health is beauty. What we find disgusting is the degeneration of our ideal type.

We fight, and serve, and play the game always for the success of our vision of the truth, the good, and the beautiful, and dare we not embody it in our flesh and mind? Nay, that is where we must embody, or let us drop the matter entirely! Either I honor myself, or my honoring lacks substance. What matters the praise of the weak or the appreciation of fools? Whatever another may say of me – and sometimes it's been rather flattering – none of that matters a mustard seed compared to how my reflection appears to me in the mirror. Act in such a way that you must respect yourself. Make your life your ultimate art. Health begets health, but never did a glorious soul inhabit a wretched body. Beauty is truth, so master yourself.


* 1021 *

Emerson put every penny of thought into the savings bank of his journals, which he fully indexed, indexing the indexes, developing themes and fields into full-fledged essays. All of Nietzsche's grand formulations in his mature works come from the swamp of his four aphoristic books, where he experimented, dared some first-figures, trialed around, fell into digressions, and let the mess simmer. His Eternal Recurrence, his Slave Morality, his Overman, and so much more find their first inklings in the aphoristic fertilizer. Freud, likewise, regarded his Interpretation of Dreams as his dung pile, rife with fertile thoughts he would develop in his mature works. So these allays I view and review, memorizing favorites, drawing parallels and finding rhymes, so that in this upcoming decade – here I hope! – my mature works will find germination. An intellectual molts his genius every ten years, so let us glut on the stuff of our growth.


* 1022 *

"He who writes to himself writes to an eternal audience," said Emerson, and Ama places before me the conundrum of the dual marriage – Turmoil and Ecstasy – two brides – the central gravity in my care and concern, or in other words, God Herself. I suppose the trope fountain for another would be different, yet this is my struggle, and the body of my heaven is this double marriage, this breaking of my love into Psyche and Niviana.


* 1023 *

Ever this scarlet A of Ama about my chest, ever this knit of silk for you my kin, my darling Pearl, skeined in skin of subtle turns. How I raise you up my children, granting you the universal education we all should have – Mother Goose as babes, Aesop's and Grimm's as children, the American Renaissance for high school, the great epics and world scripture upon adulthood – yet spinning a word for each your own story, for each of our adventures are a stitch in the robe of Mattria, who dances to life all that is and all that is not. Gnomic tropes I give unto you, subtle turn and wink, span and sweep – small moves to win the Game.




-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Tuesday, August 21, 2018

update, allays 1006 - 1017


Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:


Well the summer is wrapping up: Natalie, my 12-year-old, has already returned to school, and the younger two return to their school – Excel – the following Monday. That will free up my morning to get a job, though I don't yet know what that might be. I've been writing more allays, as is evident here, but little else. I have been studying Confucius; I read the Analects and intend to buy a better translation and read them again.

I've had a few reviewers of the allays, and some criticisms I have received include: they should be organized into sections, they are repetitive, there are too many of them. What do you think? I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Take Care, Caretakers!

* 1006 *

The mind knows the world through the body. By the Law of Correspondence, every abstract understanding comes from a physical knowing – a touching. When we accuse somebody of "sleeping with the enemy," the double sense of sex and sympathy makes the metaphor poignant. There is nothing so bloodless, not the square root of negative one, that lacks a physical correspondence in the body, our trope-source for understanding all things. Would you teach the abstract, seduce the senses. Would you understand, feel. The earth is the image of heaven, and Ama the image of the All.


* 1007 *

We overcome ourselves by fighting others. We must project our self-doubts upon fitting victims, opponents we can barely overcome, for what is close is too close to see, and what is near is too near to touch. The Greeks wrote the greatest myths of all peoples – more varied, literary, and memorable than the Hebrew, Norse, or Indian – because their myth-tellers were poets who competed with each other to tell the best stories. Competition may sometimes bring out the worst in us, but it often enough brings out the best in us, as well, inspiring an accomplishment impossible solo. Adversity exults us. The greater the opposition, the greater our self-overcoming.

The Olympians honor the gods by striving to be the greatest of men and women. War is the father of all things. Let war reduce to a game and it will meet its apotheosis. The Game is our Haven.

We need a scapegoat, a fitting external correlate for our internal strife. What is within us we can hardly approach. We must project. Thank Ama we have enemies! They service us better than friends in the line of truth. Love too often lies. A grand and exulted pride only glories in actual accomplishments.

Those who delight in puzzles relish the challenging ones. We are never able to fight or love until we've properly met our match.


* 1008 *

We can be indifferent to an acquaintance, but not to an ex. Our deepest hate we reserve for those we loved the most. Thus, I tend to define myself against Jesus more than my Niviana cares to hear, since she demands I cease the blasphemy. Blasphemy is the opinion of your neighbors' religion about yours -- they all blaspheme each other. Ama laughs. Words for words, and spit for spit. So long as we are arguing, we are not speaking of the All. Ama is behind each Divine and plays the Game against herself.


* 1009 *

Some desires require full expressions. What but the most heinous crimes we ogle over in our newspapers – that pedestrian form of entertainment – those sorts of brutal tortures and heartless murders, grant the criminal and us the readers a full expression to counterbalance an inner injury? Violence begets violence, nor can we fully cure a wound lacking a counter-wound. Art is the better medicine, and self-nurture the healthier antidote.

When you find the breaking point in your topic or person, distractions arise, all sorts of reasons to attack elsewhere, to look elsewhere. Simply sing the single tone, build resonance, that one tone repeated – keep hitting the one nerve, the simple small nerve upon which depends the whole collapse.

Every experience needs expression, directly or indirectly, brutally or sublimely. Silence is the brooding mood, to build a motive, to gain resonance. What is in will out. Build an appetite. Build verve. Patience is power, after all, so control time and wait your cue. Eru is Rhythm and builds to triumph, exultant in his resolve.


* 1010 *

I stole a glint from you, a glamour from your treasure, so signatured in your style that I hid it from all and only took it out far away, alone or with friends who never heard of you. To them I bragged of my wealth, with this shining gleam they assumed my own. Finally, I come to you, pocketing my star, and you sense an aspect on my brow, the light I've absorbed into my countenance, and you see your own shining as if foreign, and something in you loves, though you cannot tell why.


* 1011 *

You patiently explain to me your quantum physics, your big bang, your entropy, your multiverse, your string theory, your psychology – all these fine things! – and I do study them eagerly, taking from you what I can. Yet, I suspect in five thousand years, all these facts will look embryonic, perhaps even superstitious and wrong?

Or perhaps in three hundred years we will discover everything humanly possible to discovery scientifically, and advancement will halt? All further progress will be in abbreviating, condensing, and simplifying our exhausted encyclopedia.

Either way, I do not take science as my ultimate, but only as a means towards the ultimate.



* 1012 *

A vice contained counts as a virtue; a virtue run wild counts as a vice.


* 1013 *

Do not teach for money. Teach for the joy of spreading wisdom. Do not pay for your education. Pay with your effort  – and teach yourself, if you can. The virtuous rest in virtue. The creative triumph in creation. So teach the eager, but dismiss the bored.


* 1014 *

I agree with Confucius that it is wrong to requite evil with good, lest it be the good of justice; a reward would send the wrong message, but to shame with either kindness or a sneer may demoralize. Best, then, to maintain your self-respect, your concern for what is best for the evil-doer, and your regard for what is best for the world as a whole -- and the name for that is justice.


* 1015

Confucius was but one of many itinerate philosophers aiming to renew the Empire through their teaching; Buddha was but one of many ascetics seeking enlightenment; Jesus was but one of many self-proclaimed Messiahs ultimately crucified; Socrates was but one of many traveling teachers, called Sophists; Joseph Smith was but one of many prophets to come out of upstate New York, a location so enflamed with prophets and revivalists it came to be known as the "burned over district." What does this teach us? That Ama, or whichever of the Aya are playing dice upon a field, cast the token many times, failing yet and again until the one with difference arises, the apotheosis of the type. If Ama fails and again till her sparks catch flame, forgive yourself a bit if you also trip and fall towards your goal.


* 1016 *

I mistrust my first impressions and insist on time before I relate my take of a thing. Our first impressions are full of prejudice, and to prejudge has value only if we rejudge. Certainly, first impressions reveal something lacking in a lifelong familiarity, which is why we travel the world to find our own home and study the furthest from us to rightly see ourselves. So seldom am I impressed that I mark the calendar when I meet greatness.


* 1017 *

In high school, I requested my parents buy me the most generic of clothing, whatever would render me invisible in a crowd. In college, I ducked parties and spent my evenings haunting the university library, reading books and hiving notes. Even my marriage was minimum, Justice of the Peace, with little pageantry. I am not a man for the masses – I have no desire to be the center of attention. How then, my dear readers, lovers of my soul, sparks from the same sun, am I to finally reach out and find you my own – so many hiders in the herd and readers in the library? I suppose I will have to strategize.




-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy




Wednesday, August 15, 2018

allays 1000 - 1005

Daniel Christopher June to the Students of Life:


Well I never did get paid for five paychecks (ten weeks) worth of freelance writing, so its off to finding another freelance job or – even better – taking the next step up the ladder of life. We win when we convert our stumbling blocks to stepping stones. This fall . -beginning next Monday, schoolwise) means getting Natalie on the bus at 630 a.m. and off the bus at 2:50 p.m. – parenting the kids after that till their bedtime at 9 p.m. So in other words – when to work? Best to freelance I suppose!


I'm thinking of returning to the U.U. Church I once went to just to socialize a bit on Sunday.


Take care, Caretakers!


* 1000 *

Ah, my Ama, O lady of knots, soft the hold that binds my throat. I ask you just to loosen – you have nails for such things – I can free the rest. You untie all but the infinite stitch, O lady of knots, untier of nots, the infinite stitch cum my vertical hold, the asymptote to fetter heaven. My muscles' skein over everything – guts and all – pins me like a pincer. Ever the boulder up, ever the bolder down, bound to them as I am. This vow unto death I won't Gordian cut, a mortal coil of snake to tail; I worry my brow and cradle my smile. I'll reflect again on you.


* 1001 *

The world is like Ives' "World" in Symphony 4: cacophonous, polyrhythmic, with three orchestras playing in different keys. Submitting to one language matters. Psychoanalysis and its remembrence of repression, religious conversion and its confrontation of sin, auditing and its clearing of engrams, cognitive behavior therapy and its reprogramming of automatic thoughts, Buddhism and its letting go of desire -- any of these will do, so long as you submit to the language, submit so hard your dreams change, the way Freudian psychoanalysis inspires Freudian dreams, Jungian psychoanalysis inspires Jungian dreams, and New Age metaphysics inspires metaphysical dreams – real dreams with real meanings, put into you to get something out. Language is a net.

So many languages clash in the world market: the loudest and most obnoxious win the day. Sheer endless sloganeering moves the populace. But to get deep down in there where the meanings are, you must submit to one and only one language system at a time.


* 1002 *

I cease to flaunt the gore of this cureless wound, the stream of pain of this broken heart. Ama, shut my lips with a kiss! The fullness of health is to express the ache with poetry. As it is, I'm swamped. Press your fingers upon my chest and hold me close with staunching love.


* 1003 *

Each experience changes how we experience every new thing and changes how we remember every old thing. Art is more than "Beauty for its own sake," it shows you the beauties and uglinesses you've already experienced in your life, but never knew. Every touch warps the lens of the I's eye. Innocence becomes experience becomes wisdom – the return to innocence.

We learn for the sake of learning a thing and also for the sake of living our life; everything is an end unto itself and also a means to a higher end. Only the lazy want instant results, but for those who delight in puzzles, the harder the better. Stretch me to my limit and break me a sketch. I am eager to grow.



* 1004 *

Every race is the chosen race; Ama chooses each of us peculiar peoples for this our peculiar role, to give the world something nobody else could give, from the nest of our culture and the womb of our creativity, the only begotten of the profounders among us, so that your people give of the best, humbly and with pride, give of the best of their people, you yours, mine my own. The world meets it with envy, accusations, and disdain – that part is necessary – yet, cast the bantling on the rocks, he will yet rule us all.


* 1005 *

From love we develop family and from power we develop work. From both we develop passion and from neither we develop rest. The four functions, then, are family, work, passion, and rest. The individual is healthy when he is able to love, work, pursue his passion, and rest.



-- R 88s Я --

Perfection Is Easy
