Tuesday, October 1, 2024

In Praise of Nero

In Praise of Nero


Okay, where are we. I am writing daily notes in non-ending ultra-productivity as is my wont. I send out quite a bit. I don't send out everything. Writing is my breathing — it is natural to me and it is a magic and miracle that cures my physical ills.

This second of notes I am preparing to write the epic Ezra I have intitled "In Praise of Nero: I come not to bury, to but Praise the man."

Why Nero? He is the Christian antichrist of course we despite what the crackpots say about the latest greatest meaning of 666 it spells out his name in Latin and we know this. There is no wisdom, no mystery to solve. Jesus came back physically and brought away his useless 144,000 virgins. The second coming already happened. Long ago. So long. And the antichrist was Nero. This is known.

But the more history I read, the ore I find out that Nero like me lead a writers group. He also had a mixed reputation. He was amazingly sensitive. I thought to myself, Why does the world hate Nero so much? Then I said, Christians gave him a bad name. Then I thought, He must be a hero and saint then. Whoever the Christians hate are good and great men by definition. They are worms and are afraid of power, beauty, innocence, and greatness.

Same as the Jews, incidentally. I was reading Moby Dick, and Melville's whaling ship captain, Ahab, was named after "an evil king." And I thought, the way the Jews hate on Ahab so much, he must be the real thing. He must be the good guy after all. I looked it up on Wikipedia to start and it referred me to a book, The Bible Unearthed written by the latest greatest very much Jewish and proud of it scholars and archeologists working in the middle east. They confirmed my hunch:

Not only was King Ahab also a very good king; he was also the best. David was an unknown in the pathetic lower kingdom that is basically the boondocks. It was King Ahab that made the kingdom of Israel, Northern kingdom, reach its greatest power, beauty, influence, and perfect. He is the best.

He had a policy like the United States: worship according to your conscience. If you love Yahweh alone, worship Yahweh alone. If you want to sacrifice at the altar of Baal, then do so. Go ahead and plant ashteroth poles on the high places, those symbols of the world tree who IS Ashteroth, Ishtar, Inanna. Follow your conscience in all things.

In this dipolomatic system of separation of religion and state, Israel thrived and the economy boomed. The people were happy. Temples got built. Everything was perfect.

The jealous and covetous priests of the "Yahweh-only" cult who wished to outlaw worship of Baal and Astheroth and MURDER all people who in good conscience worshipped those very much the original deities of the Jews wrote what got included in Jewish scripture. They FALSIFY everything. They turn history on its head. They LIE through their teeth claiming that Ahab and the other kings of open diplomacy brought the curses on the land, the invasion of foreign people. As the very scholarly and exact book, the Bible Unearthed, details, and yet, as Jews, they explain it away as no big deal, the Priests who wrote the book of kings LIED, LIED, LIED, slandering King Ahab falsely, and building up the NOTHING chieftain David, who mattered not at all as a historical reality, as if he were the greatest king to ever exist. The writers of the Bible Unearthed, two prominent Jews, top of the university of Aviv, I believe, and great archeologists, as Jews, argue that the Bible still is the greatest book ever written despite the fact that it lies historically and turns reality on its head.

Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman, the authors of this book, look verse by verse at the Bible and all the archeological work, and show, straight forwardly, openly, and in clear candor, how the writers of Kings and other books knowingly and completely falsified history piece by piece. We have the evidence. We've spent our time in the dirt. We KNOW it. Yet Finkelstein PRAISES the biblical liars because they were lying in the right direction. They may have falsified history but they were opening the way for a new way of being.

Whatever. That aint at ALL scholarly integrity, but I will wrap up by saying this: David was a piece of shit nothing and we know it and the "evil" King Ahab was and is Israel's greatest king, and if the current state of Israel followed HIS diplomatic wisdom, they would not be genociding their enemies and keeping the middle east in a constant state of warfare. Constant.

But enough said.

Nero as hero?

He never wanted to emperor. At his birth, his ambitious mother, who was calculating, and despite politics being a man's art made her son as a work of art into her greatest ambition: leader of the entire world. An augur at his birth predicted that Nero was destined to rule the world but kill his mother. When she heard this, dauntless, the woman scoffed: Occidat dum imperet. Translated: Let him kill me but he will rule.

That was her ambition and her choice. Ruthless woman. I am just starting a book on him. As an AMA adherent, in which I say Woman is God, the idea of praising a matricide may seem strange. I am undecided about this case. Nero himself was a sensitive artist. A writer. Led a writers group. When he commit suicide, he is reported to have said, "What a great artist dies with me."

Where will my studies take me? I am open to hear. He was loved of the common man. He inspired the arts in all around him. The greatest writers of his day knew Nero personally. He edited their work. He helped improve them.

I'm not saying he is my next Emerson or a great man I will disciple under for twenty years. But Nero deserves better then what that piece of shit book the Revelation of John says about him. So, these notes, they are entitled, In Praise of Nero. For as a rule: whatever a Christian curses must be good and divine, on principle. They are the scum of the other, the resenters, the haters of the world. What they blame must always in principle be good. I will test this rule of thumb in studying Nero, son of Agrippina, Woman AS ambition who is willing to die, if need be, so long as her son is emperor of the world. I have a sense that I will find Nero to be kind of weak and fragile being raised by a woman like this, that she won't at all be the victim, but a powerful hero, and Nero unable to match the intensity of her vision.

Woman is God. That is all.

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