Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Realizing Your Geniuis

My latest essay regards genius and the potential in each of us. Though the essay is sizable, it is more solidly structured than my other materials, the "allays," which are peculiarly structured to have a certain affect. This essay should read straight-forward and is addressed to anybody interested in imagining just what his own potential really is.



Realizing your Genius


1. Importance of


            Mankind exists because some men have dared let themselves become geniuses, have opened up their innermost resources, have taken in the large amounts of beauty from the world, and have opened themselves up to the greatest sufferings capable of men -- because they have, in short, dared to live on this earth and live absolutely. Such a man is the light of the world, shines the inner light latent in us all.

            Let us waste no time defining genius in terms of IQ tests, so called, since they stole the term from the Romantics, who referred the term genius to men of great creative influence (and there is no correlation between IQ scores and creativity), but let us get to what really matters to each man and woman, not 'am I forever inferior to the great men who have blessed their earth with their minds and hearts?' but only and always, 'how can I myself with what I am and what I do bless the earth with my mind and heart?' Let genius, therefore, stand for your personal best, your personal apotheosis, for the emergence of your innermost gifts, those gifts nobody else has or could have, that part nobody could teach you, but whom the kind and gentle teachers and friends might coax you to birth from the womb of your soul, so that  you give birth to your better self, so that you spread your divine psychic wings, so that realize what is always your to realize: your personal best. This is genius, this is divine, this is what you are called to do, and when you accomplish this, when you complete your metamorphoses, the selfish act of self-concern, so do you bless the world, bless every world, bless the gods, bless God, bless Ama who contains them, and bless the Universal All, our Mother. Having insisted on becoming all you can be, so you have helped every person in your care, in your personal jurisdiction, your friends and family, and you here become the living center of a new heaven here on earth.


2. Relation to world


            The genius is a distinctions, that is clear, and it seems incredible that anybody but the rarest of men could be so. Some have accounted the world as having gained only about one genius per century, and other philosophers say even this is too generous. While yes, a man of superior creative intellect able to greatly change the world may appear only so often, don't let that trouble you. By being what you are, you need no fame, and as for your influence, the world is always eager to take in good gifts.

            For it is not the genius against the world, but the genius bears a unique and special relationships to the world. Indeed, the great man or woman is the world.

            The Genius is the world and his mind is the World Mind: he is the Man uniting mankind, and those like him, though they disagree, are with him one mind debating himself. The genius is the individual, and above that, the genius mirrors the world, stands for it, and what he says is said for all.

            If a prig can be defined as a small minded moralist eager to damn you over his petty ethic, the genius stands as the opposite, as he who is able to see what is universal in you, and teach you yourself to see it, lay your hands on it, and realize it for the world. His mind is both wider and more open, yet more severely filtering and critical -- wider, flexible, active, severe, choosy.

            And while shining the global light, the petty aspect of the genius, the mundane man who does his chores and struggles with self doubts, also shines and sets the pace for the world's dance. The man who can do a rare great feat does the everyday walk and talk also with greater grace. If you can dance like no other, even your stroll through town turns eyes.


            As a man brings in his mind to the inner spheres, his second mind expands to the outer spheres. So as he goes deeper into his person, he identifies farther out, with family, with city, with nation, and as he goes deeper still, with mankind, till as the inner sphere touches the absolute center, the outer sphere identifies with the farthest edge of infinity. So yes, the genius is the world, his mind is now and always we be part of the World Mind, the collective consciousness and collective unconscious of mankind, in its ascending spheres of greater incorporation. Those who surround you constitute your jurisdiction -- as the divine center you bring leads men and women to reveal their own lights.

            Did you suppose there could be only one center? But the center can be distributed wherever the inner plethorabyss can be opened. When you know yourself, then you will be known. Once you realize your perfection, you will always have been perfect. And when you have become all in all, then you are an ultimate center for the world, one center among other centers, as each man, when he comes to his own, centers his world.


            The genius falls into the center of history, his birth is a new day, a new year, a new millennium. There has never been any more geniuses than there is now. Every age has the same magnitude of potential. Better to live now, when culture's house is fully furnished with rich tools and nuanced ornaments, than at the start of history, when the shelves were bare and merely hopeful.

            Whenever and wherever we are, we optimize what we were given, make the most of what we've got. For the man who does this, who really does this, "Genius" is one of the titles we give him.

            The man who masters his home, his city, who is a prophet in his own household, let him be satisfied with that greater triumph, when his genius pulses through his place. The genius is the child of heaven, yet what he has to add could never be conceived in any heaven but his innermost being. Genius fashions every snowflake, yet each snowflake equally gives birth to her own fresh beauty.

            Not that those of your time will neither know you or care. Your time will mark your pretensions, envy your successes, but overall remain nonplussed by your greatest efforts, praising, instead, your cheap and easy gestures of showing off. People like what they understand and praise what has already been established. Genius takes three generations before the world has matured enough even to respond, and repeat back in its own words what through a hundred thousand minds it has finally comprehended.

            Wealth and fame seldom come to the gods. Nor do they need it.


3. Creation and Nurturing of


            We use high terms for what's best in man, for what is best in you and me. Yes, for what use is praise and celebration anyway, but to encourage our growth and development? Do you believe yourself capable of these heights? True faith means faith in yourself. Having your self and the idea of your self, you are no longer the toy of fate.

            See how ideas flirt through the world like the whims of Gods. The arena of life moves men and woman as if they were stray leaves and chips of wood. Ideas flurry around our head, and fling our bodies against one another, as the invisible winds play their divine game through these fleshly tokens of the game.

            A man stands for an idea, for a set of ideas -- for a religion and its world of ideas, for an ideology, for politics and nations -- but only one idea does he absolutely control and own -- that idea of his innermost self. That is unmixed with anything in the world, from the gods, from God, or from the All. For one as immune to irony as myself, I declare it simply: I am all in all.

            To be great, you have to need it. If you are satisfied to be small, then you can praise greatness from afar, but feel no true intimidation, hear no criticism that you yourself could be doing more. Necessity is the muse of genius just as fame is the muse of talent. The geniuses of history include a much greater number than the famous of history, and many of the famous were not true to their soul; the hidden divines gave the spiritual boon to our world, though we don't see it. Nor do we need to see. Having done a great thing feels forever great. The word for such an eternal sense of divinity: pride. Our exultation comes from our own appraisal or else it is none. We must ultimately and utterly love ourselves if we are to open ourselves to being ultimately and utterly loved by others, and then we may return that love in turn. We start as dim mirrors, receiving a little light, glowing a little light, reflecting a little light. Love is in reciprocity. We mount our campaign towards greatness.

            The grub crawls while the imago flies. The genius is a mind ever active -- what was once slow, painful, plodding, deliberate is now easy, naturally, graceful, play. What was once work is now art.



            What is art, after all, but simplified, intensified, clarified life, meant to inspire the rest of an appreciator's style of living? Art is taken out of life so that it may go back into life, so that we may all live a beautiful existence, and this through knowing how to appreciate beautiful art. Beauty feels joyful be merely being. Thus let us cultivate each our own beauty.

            Art appreciation is the feast of a creative soul. Only through the consumption of art, that is to say, only by eating the spiritual fruits of other men and women, be they in the aesthetic or religious mode, does the soul grow healthy, strong and happy.

            It is amazing, what has come down in history for you and only you. The generations have brought down so many materials, things they have no clue about, and even the scholars, who translate dead languages, who give the full context of every piece of brass ever to fill a museum, they do not get the spirit, only that letter of the ancient mind. A few of them breath in the fire, but most merely make it possible for somebody else to breathe in the fire. There are gifts from the ancients that you alone can open.

            The ancient world was left in books for multitudes of common men to admire and for the centennial genius in solitude to inspire. The canon is history's gift to posterity, is the place where the ancient and the eternal press a kiss. Only genius can fully read genius.

            The peers of genius are the masters of the past and the wonders of the future -- most of his contemporaries will neither know nor celebrate them. Or if they celebrate him, it will be on terms of what they already have a taste for, on terms of what is common in him, but not what is universal.

            To seek towards the innermost and other most, you must spend time alone. To become, you must allow. You must give yourself time and space, you must assert and insist on your right to time and space. Great and famous CEO's can hardly do this, the president could never do this, very few dare accomplish his. Yet leisure is the greatest luxury, open space the greatest abode. Solitude is the finest lover: a man is in the best company when he is alone.

            So seek no man's approval and ask nobody's permission for what it is in you to do. We may never seem to be appreciated, or even if we are, then it is not as we would prefer: Certain styles of praise make us sick, and certain styles of criticism sound like flattery and kindness. A hateful person can do more damage with the truth than with any lie, and some of the most devastating things I have ever heard were shaped as praise. Why put the control of your joy in the hands of others? Do what you do, and don't bother to tell.



            We face censure, we face blame. And how easy to get angry at these presumptive friends and family. Understand the situation and be put at ease. To understand all is to forgive all and permit nothing. Merely understanding why a thing happens or why a man is the way he is does not mean you allow it to continue or open yourself to his mistreatment. You can forgive a man and yet at the same time severely punish and limit him.

            Criticize the world, mirror its attitudes back upon it, but with a glint of your divine mixed in. Be the glowing mirror. For the best criticism is appreciation. Knowing how to find what is best in an art or in a person, and knowing how to intensify it, that is not only kindness, but that is pedagogical genius.

            Realize, therefore, the power of interpretation. The world is only objectively and absolutely what it is after you have justified an interpretation for it being so -- and it could have been many other things. Context reveals meaning, but new meanings can be imposed on an instance of a situation. Some comic strips have been made by taking snapshots from movies and politics out of context and applying a humorous alternate context, perhaps in the form of a witty caption. An image of the president with a given politically motivated expression can be played off as if he were make a sexual comment. In this, no interpretation of any book or scripture is wrong, even if its meaning is implausible. A full context and a definite situation presents a set of plausible, relevant and important meanings, but by abbreviating and ambiguating an instance can it be used rhetorically to illustrate a new idea. The shape of the situation illustrates the logic of the idea. This is why the old myths, those of the Greeks, Germans, Jews, and Hindus, are infinitely valuable.  They are the technology perfected over millenniums by generations. A given myth is inexhaustible, and if it chooses you, if it speaks to you, if you can open up its infinite potential for meanings, it gives the blank of never-ending gestation -- a defined and definite set of meanings, for once the set is defined it is without limit. There are wrong, implausible, irrelevant, stupid, foolish, amateur interpretations, but the genius makes the powerful interpretations. Genius is in a realm beyond truth and falseness: the genius is never wrong and his mistakes are as fecund as his successes. With him, will merges with necessity -- for him that bridge is strong.


            It seems greatness comes both by will and by nature. You strive, you work, you practice, you fail, and yet it comes naturally, without thinking, without effort, without trying to. The genius trusts his intuition, and yet deliberates night and day on his idea. This conversation between intuition and deliberation makes his mind truly all, using every power within reach. A genius is not moral, but virtuous. He has not been moralized by the crowds who say "No!" He insists on himself at all costs and even when faced with the most severe threats and consequences. Come heaven or hell, I will not budge. For those who demonize their enemies, who Nazify those who think differently, who pervertify those who believe their own truths, they cannot quite close the door on the mind of another's genius, but they do close the corresponding door in their own mind. Some men feel empowered only when their cronies have their back -- and the energy of such a situation feeds into them, so they can act out their role with bravado. The genius falls back on himself, is strongest when he is alone, and is invincible when the whole world is against him.

            For when the world speaks, how often it speaks from ignorance and presumption! How stilted, therefore, to hear the man speak upon what he has no experience. Never again will I listen to the man talk of eternity who himself does not shine like the sun. Shall the Eagle ask the Sparrow how to seize? Ignorance can only say No, and even its Yes and praise feel like negations. He is the kind of bastard who praises one of your children by insulting the other.

            So give but an idle ear to the opinions of others. By standing alone, you are not limited by the will and whim of others: you answer to nobody but yourself. You may see as deeply and as casually as you wish. All good things take time. They do not keep business hours. Infinity requires leisurely patience.

            Genius is perseverance. If you have a choice not to write every day, then you are not cut out to be a writer. When you can find one form to answer a multitude of needs -- as writing has become my own way to manage my mental health, maintain a healthy marriage, balance my solitude with penpals, encourage me when I have to fight, soothe me when I fail -- when you find such a form, your allthing, you can pour all your resources into that. It becomes your all in all.

            By having your values, your hopes, your powers, and your goals within your own hands, you need never ask another for your soul, never take from another that which is yours by right. Obedience is the bane of genius. Hold close to your own and dismiss the rest: what you have experienced is everything, but what comes to you from others is always suspect.

            "To believe your own thought, to believe what is true for you in your private heart is true to all men -- that is genius," said America's Genius. Yet not every genius writes poems. We all breathe in that spirit, and it hollows out a space for us to fill with our own breath and spirit. Whether you write sonnets or sweep floors, you can do it with aplomb, you can pour your infinite worth into anything.

            Trust your place. Trusting the accidents of your life as if they were fated, and interpreting them as if they were providence, so does your life really become providential -- but not before you make that effort. Genius walks a crooked line. You thought working that one job was pointless, having that one romance wasteful, your years spent lazing about as good for nothing. You haven't glimpsed the whole view, and realized how necessary those things are and how useful they could be at opening your potential.

            You in your self affirm unique needs -- that's what matters. Genius has an appetite for original truth -- that's the difference. The average man, who is and remains a genius in grub stage, is satisfied with the brilliance of others, serves, praises, and obeys others, and thinks that he is both modest, humble, and virtuous by denying his ability, his right, to correct the highest, to challenge them and equal them, to make his own place among the constellations. Genius has an appetite for original truth, and that is the mouth that can only be fed from our own tree of life, from the world tree that springs from our own innermost soul. Discipline digests, mania creates. After supping so sophisticatedly throughout our lives, by eating our unique round of experiences, then our romantic passions of exultation and pleasure storms result in our manic borne children: the fruits of the spirit, our artistic triumphs. Only autonomy could dare such a thing, obedience is impotent.

            Each genius is utterly eccentric to his unique self, yet shares the mind of genius kind, the great high minds of each and every age. There is from you the individual addition, which is irreplaceable, and there is in you the group mind which ever is always.

            Solitude is the stern friend of genius. To hold your own in a crowd that growls you must have firmly set the foundation of your soul, in your solitude of reflection set the ligaments of an unbreakable frame.

            For the world will smile and pat your back like a chum, while the whole time the knife sinks in. Envy seeks for flaws, finds them, and considers the matter solved. The poor in spirit are ever eager to demoralize the giants of pride who create in greatness all that is good on this earth. Small men are good at tripping up the large. But once a man reaches magnanimity, the danger is gone and he can love the world.

            The frustration at not being recognized, or at being recognized, but not for what matters, must never distract you. Let's say you are given a choice: you may be one of two people. The first is to save the world but to go down in history as a villain. The other is to do nothing but to go down in history as the man who saved the world. Which would you prefer? But we do not derive our worth at second hand or from secondary testimony. I know what I am. I would rather be good than to seem good. Once you are certain of your divinity, perfection is easy, and relax in triumph.

            For consistency in this attitude, I mirror meditate; I have taught the all to speak to me, or rather, I have taught myself to listen. What is common is wrong, and if all your friends disagree, so much the worse for them. Genius is what you learn from nobody; what they praise, they fancy they at least understand, but what is best in you the world cannot understand, or if it can, not for many generations. Never please the public. Please yourself. In doing so, you will also have pleased those like yourself, and among the greats of the past and the greats of the future, you will ever hold the confidence of your peers.

            Make your own method -- flunk precedent. Have no ear for the criticism of your contemporaries. And yet, you must learn all the wisdom the world has built up, obey it enough to learn its secrets and the subtleties of its ways. It is something different to do a thing unconventionally, having been educated in the conventions, but having something new and meaningful and important to say, compared to doing a thing unconventionally because you are ignorant of conventions, being unable to do differently even if you had something important you wanted to say, being unable, when needed, to use the beauty and convenience of good conventions. Unconventionality can be either good or bad. Your experiences of the world will be unique, as your sensitivity is unique, but great men have created truths you would be wise to use.

            A genius's greatest tool is his over-sensitivity. The artist is the antennae of his age, he is a butterfly of the subtlest antennae, divining far truths from subtle vibrations. And he is yet independent? Though the peach easily bruises, the center is sacrosanct.

            And for all his tenderness and bruises, he gives a sweetness unforeseen. A genius reveals what no other man could ever reveal. Genius is surrounded by envy, an envy that takes the masks of condenscensions, improper advice, moral condemnation, empty flattery--but the ability to give true gratitude requires effort, an openness an care of attention. How to give when we receive no gratitude?

            Integrity is greater than fame. Nobody respects a sell-out. But do we recognize how often popularity had to sell out? It's almost the rule. If it's common, it's wrong, and popularity stands as a refutation. Genius allows genius, and inspiration makes a space for emanation, but what is a best-seller is simply the easiest to consume.

            The God stands alone. Yes, but by being himself, he calls greatness to greatness, and is answered pride for pride. Inspiration is contagious, and like Midas, all his world turns golden at his touch; yet to be truly honored and doubled and mirrored and echoed he must merely focus on himself and be open to others who do the same.

            "I look carefully over the lands and see none as divine as I," said Margaret Fuller in a letter to, of all people, Emerson. But being Allistic means being able to open your eyes to the divine that exists in all people, more realized in some than others. We are sympathetic to the stupid, the insane, and the foolish.


            Wisdom begins in folly. For the Freshman, life seems complicated, but the sophomore has it all figured out in simplistic terms; the junior is back in confusion, having disillusioned the sophomore's rash oversimplifications; and the senior finally arrives with the understanding of how to hold simplicity next to the ever-flowing flux of complexity and chaos. His truths are simple truths, and you might already know them, or think you know them, but you do not act as if you know them, unless you have yourself become sage, saint, poet, or hero.

            Novels work hard to prove the most difficult truths -- the simple ones. A novel isolates one important experience. It cannot be put into any other words to sum it up -- the whole experience is necessary to understand, use, feel, and realize that simple truth. The epiphany of psychoanalysis, when you realize something basic and deep within yourself, is the same as in all art, as in novel reading and novel writing, as in fact all appreciation. Art, when comprehended, opens from within you, the appreciator, something new that has never existed any where or at any time. Art work is midwife. Art reminds you of your own simple truths.

            Those simple truths, though obvious, are difficult to realize and are a challenge to actually believe. We don't really believe what we know to be true. Simple truths are hardest won.

            How strange it is that the simplest truths require the highest intelligence and the most difficult proofs and derivations! What is intelligence but high articulation? To move farther from the center, to abstract your abstractions, to move from the creation of concepts to the creation of symbols to the creation of persons -- yes, this is the increasing power of each man's native genius. Each man's inner saint of intuition, inner philosopher of concepts, inner poet of symbols, and inner hero of personality exist in potential in his soul and spirit, in aching desire to emerge so that the man can be all these things, the saint, the philosopher, the poet, the hero, and finally transcend them to be the ololo, the Allthing, the Genius, the God.


4. Shape of mind


            Each mind creates a world for itself, and that makes us all artists. We are spirits, and spirits are the haloes around letters, the letter that is our character, the me of our being.

            The spiritual is a subset of the literary. The artful is by nature spiritual, and mystic experiences are a kind of aesthetic. The genius lives in the world of men while yet living in the world of Gods, while yet living in the world of Man, the Oversoul. These are all layers of his consciousness.

            Consciousness is by nature layered, as all things are layers. Meanings are layered in our habits of mind. The heart speaks its own language, the mind its own language, the lips their own language, the hands their own language. Modulating between languages is how worlds grow thick and infinitely thick with layers of meaning. Languages oscillate. When a meaning passes from the heart to the mind, and then from the mind to the lips of a given spoken language, its meanings metamorphose, and become something both same and new.

            Just as the metaphor mind is the skin between the layers of thinking and feeling, so is genius a skin, the skin between his self and his soul. Like resonates with like. Every tone I can shape resonates to some sphere of your being. Are not both our souls utterly thick with energies? Yet that innermost Self is without echo in all the universe. The genius interprets are aboriginal energy from the Me-Myself of our innermost plethorabyss into an energy unique to our soul, which in turn takes in as its resource the forms of beauty and meaning of the world.



            Genius, therefore, makes those transitions, translates one language into another, and fills in gaps and trauma spaces with the fluid of high important meaning. Genius is in the metaphor mind, which lets the meanings of the heart flow into the language of the mind.

            Genius is in the ability to make metaphors and is in the persistence to establish them. What do we call wise other than finding a fitting analogy to serve as advice for any new challenge? A wise man has not necessarily had the most experiences nor had especially painful experiences, but he is able to draw analogies from what he has seen so that he is never caught by surprise, as if anything new would lack a reference to his stock of knowledge.

            All that endless art and explanation, the infinite theory and speculation, is to establish a firmer instinct and let intuition act with mindless confidence. We think now so that we won't have to think in an emergency. One explains a meaning so that the explanation can be forgotten and the meaning persist. What are works of art, after all, but condensed symbols referring to a lifelong activity of thought and feeling in the mind and heart of a genius? Art is a special instance representing a life. If it is well formed it will both soothe and hurt us.


            The geniuses traumatize us with their bold assertions and their impossible beauties. Meaning is possible only if a space if made for it. Yes, each soul emanates meaning. That meaning must mix with world meanings to play back out into the world. We need to hollow out a nothing, a vacuum, to let a space for creative growth hold stable. We need to dig wells into the earth of our soul and let the meanings of necessity fill them in.

            Those trauma caves, those hollowed out aching places, fill with meanings of all sorts, differentiated by the shape of their space; those voids, abysses, and chasms, they are always eccentric. The center is a fullness, but the center freezes when it can't flow out. The world imposes and would prefer to give us all our energy externally -- gods try to impose such damage, to insist we not bless ourselves, but obey only them -- but you must always fall back on your inner source and avoid being cut off from being made into somebody else's angel. You must negate the world's impositions, you must let the world down. You must be ungrateful enough to quit the game and go it alone.

            Deceptions, negations and double negations make the place to cultivate new meanings and truth. Gods are created out of deep frustrations, and incredible injustices are the wombs of heroes and saviors. A question itself is a form of negation, it creates in the world the lack which calls for an answer.

            Fantasies, myths, dreams, and lies show us that things could be different, and also suggest how. They too are negations of reality, since they hope for a different one. Impossible dreams nevertheless open possibilities, just as alchemy allowed chemistry to emerge. When we are thwarted, we must learn to use that frustrated build up of energy for good and not ill.

            Cruelty is frustration attempting to assert some form of power. For without that assertion, frustration falls into panic, and a panic is harder to bear than a guilt. It is an act of genius not to simply pour guilt over every ugly impulse, but to beautify it, to unify its necessity with its free expression, by turning into art every desire, impulse, lust and urge.

            Pain, suffering, and emptiness, therefore, are tools for growth. Those feelings of emptiness are like the empty slots of a slot-toggling puzzle: having that aching bit of possibility alone lets you negotiate what would otherwise be a mixed-up deadlock.

            We are traumatized by the ugly, but no less are we traumatized by the beautiful. Nothing cuts like the face of grace. How to work that beauty into our souls and let it cut out the ugly?

            Obsessive insistence works the elusive truth deep into your soul. Some song or other you hear and are compulsed to repeat dozens of times -- maybe hundreds -- though you don't know why. Or that one embarrassing event, that one painful thing she said, you play it over and over in your mind obsessively and cannot stop. That traumatic song, that traumatic pain, it is digging the well which wisdom will fill.


            Pain, therefore, is a resource. And the greater the resources, the stronger the flow. Let each flow into all. Writer's block imposes on flow -- and what are all psychological problems but forms of writers' block? -- so that we need negations and anxious wounds to hollow out places in our foundation, to fill with amniotic fluids of differentiated meanings and to source our frustrated flow. We need a meaning, a sense of importance in the shape of a desire. The shape and nature of each womb differentiates a unique meaning, a meaning gestated into a specific expression. Chronic suffering can be stood upon, can be used to support your purpose. Use all of you. Don't imagine that only happiness can create, for we were simply happy before we came into existence, when all was pleasant sterility. Progress is in conversation. Conversation is in give and take--us together, us apart.

            From this conversation with ourselves, with others, with life, we build a structure of meanings, evaluations, and interpretations. Just as a poem is a bit of architecture, so too is our set of arteries, the arteries of our soul, an architecture that inspires the music of flowing blood to feed our world.

            When all the inner fires are ignited, when every river bleeds as one, then the man is lit up like a midnight nova. A hundred sullen days for that one that melts the very sun. Every fool mocks at God, and must, yet there is something undeniable when the Divine has deigned to fully shine. In such a time, every man, woman and child smiles in gratitude. Such a man has earned his strength. Any man can captain a calm sea, but it takes an experienced man to weather life's storms. When you have built your fullness and are aching to shine, you have earned your place in the face of the crowd. But you must ever train those rivers, the tides of the times, the world currents and the currency of issues into your inner cistern of creative combination. To be all you must consume all.

            Consume all, and fast. Take, and give back. Life is a series of imbalances balancing themselves out. Walking is a flow of alternations between falls and redemptions, and all creativity is an expression of imbalance. Life is in correcting endless errors: that is greatness, that is growth, that is the way of eternity. That is the basis of our vitality.

            Vitality is the value of a style. When a man has become a Clear and has worked out all his inner tensions, not so there are no more inner tension, but so that they all balance each other and flow, then may he act with magnitude and magnanimity. He is whole and he uses all he is.


5. Allmind

            The genius is whole, in his divinity he is all. He is both logos and mythos. All logic is spatial, all logic has shape, and so it is eternal. All mythos, meaning, and emotion are temporal, they are part of time. Music, plot, dance and progression are the Dionysian mythos. Logos and mythos are the horizontal and verticals of the graph of meaning.

            Logos and mythos must balance, must round each other out. The rounded mind is both selective and focused, full of energy and full of power, by no means free of errors, mistakes, badness and vices, and thus in that way sterile, but able to make use of all those for the greater good. He uses his intensions of mind and his extensions of body. Intension is temporal, extension is spatial. Shape is meaning. He takes the shape in body and mind of the world he would create.

            Every use has its abuse, and every power has its perversion. This is also necessary and good, so long as it too can be mastered and put in the service of Allgrowth.

            To grow onwards and forever you must remain forever vulnerable, to regularly suffer, to push yourself, to strive for the heights. You must balance extreme with extreme and at times be intensely excessive. The wise teacher mixes the timeless with the timely, the innermost with the mediary, in his love mixes his own ideas with those of his friends and lovers. There is that which cannot be mixed, there is that which should not be mixed, there is that which should be mixed, and there is that in others, in those we meet, that should be praised, adored, cultivated and worshipped. We mirror the best in the world back upon it, and add that our original shine.







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