Monday, December 30, 2013

"Firiel's Song" an mp3

Firiel's Song

the_nine.mp3 Composed by Jillian Narayan and Daniel June, lyrics by Tolkein, sung by Jillian and Daniel.


Words in Quenyan, or elvish.



1. Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin

The Father made the World for Elves and Mortals

2. ar antaróta mannar Valion: númessier.

and he gave it into the hands of the Lords. They are in the West.

3. Toi aina, mána, meldielto - enga morion:

They are holy, blessed, and beloved: save the dark one.

4. talantie. Melko Mardello lende: márie.

He is fallen. Melko [Melkor] has gone from Earth: it is good.

5. En kárielto eldain Isil, hildin Úr-anar.

For Elves they made the Moon, but for Men the red Sun;

6. Toi írimar. Ilyain antalto annar lestanen

which are beautiful. To all they gave in measure the gifts

7. Ilúvatáren. Ilu vanya, fanya, eari,

of Ilúvatar. The World is fair, the sky, the seas,

8. i-mar, ar ilqa ímen. Írima ye Númenor.

the earth, and all that is in them. Lovely is Númenor.

9. Nan úye sére indo-ninya símen, ullume;

But my hearth resteth not here for ever,

10. ten sí ye tyelma, yéva tyel ar i narqelion,

for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading,

11. íre ilqa yéva nótina, hostainiéva, yallume:

when all is counted, and all numbered at last,

12. ananta úva táre fárea, ufárea!

but yet it will not be enough, not enough.

13. Man táre antáva nin Ilúvatar, Ilúvatar

What will the Father, O Father, give me

14. enyáre tar i tyel, íre Anarinya qeluva?

in that day beyond the end when my Sun faileth?



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