Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Every blasphemy against the living Father shall be forgiven
And every blasphemy against his Holy Son shall be forgiven unto you
But no blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall be forgiven in this life or the next.
There! Good sir! You've reached a limit, truly.

How Jesus can tease!
Nor CAN you blaspheme your original contribution.
The holy spirit IS your aboriginal self, your own spark, your own fire. Your own self mention.

Blaspheme god all you want. Give the finger to the father. Go numb blasphemying his holy son. What have you accomplished? What can you do?

Nothing at last is sacred except the integrity of your own mind. You can't choose to lose Her Love. Never was there two.

The universe won't LET you sin an unforgivable sin. 

Your dam will never damn you.

If you are Ezra Pound, Be an atheist. Name the Tao, the Mother, "Process." But trust the process with all you got. Or name her AI. Name her "machine." If you are Freud, be obscene, thou fraud. If you are Mormon, silently honor God the Mother as the deepest mystery. He always knew we are made in HER image. Never was there two.

What you do today does you tomorrow. What you say betrays your fate. Take it all in. Sin If you list. Be Satan-kissed. Her name is Erika. LISSIDY. As part of whitman's Square Deific:

God the Father (Ovath)
God the Mother (Sophia. Holy ghost)
God the Son (Eru. Rockstar god.)
God the Daughter (maid Satan. Lord Maya. Lissidy).

However you choose to say it, you are given in. Given up and given in. You never had a real choice. There is no redeeming you now. You are up to your chin in Mother. This is your Real Birth.

Cheer up! It is much worse than you can imagine! Like magic, your every blasphemy and tragic impulse from the amygdala will work as living ghosts, demons, angels, to enact every curse you ever said. Everything counts in small amounts. There is literally nothing you can do.

Oh Ezra! Be an atheist .... call the EVERLIVING Tao "process." Let woman be a mere plus sign.  The matrix. Plus sign of Descartes' error. Whether God or matrix or the Virgin or whatever words you prefer:

Spit for spit: you've reached a limit.

Her true name is Ineffable. Her fullest name is ALL.

The name that can be named is not the Eternal name.
The path that can be passed is not the Eternal Path.
Those.who brag of god are utterly insane. There is no way. There is just no way.
All roads lead home if you follow them all the way. about who is right.
Go thy way, Daniel.
Argue nought about God, economics, politics.
Speak only your great truth:

I miss my family, wife Sherry and the children, and Castle Sheridan more and more every day.
For them I know 2+2=5. I will believe or pretend or claim to believe or deny or mean or demean anything. It is ALL for her. You come to know what i mean. I will say or betray or perjure my self in anyway. It is all for Sherry. It is all for Wife.

All that leads me back home is good and great and wholesome and Right.
All else is of the Evil One.

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