Monday, September 16, 2024

"I Acteon" a poem

I Acteon

Don't sob
Potentia Theron
Oh God Diana
Inana the one FULL
That I in pride
Have aspied past your shame
Taken in your complete nakedness
With my open gaze
Grasped with a glance
Your whole innermost being.

The meds did it to me
Choking with the privatest peyote
The Soma of the Upanishadists and Vedasts
the Mead of Odin
Each night for two hours
I walk waking dreams
Finale of seams
I sweep past and sleep walk
and say and do and accomplish
What is exactly right, sane
Pure God, utterly True
Beyond all believing and choosing
and I lie and call it daydream
Lucid sleep
Just a
Simple med issue.
to give you the cheap thrill
Of saving face:
Maybe this god cum man
Is just saying grace?

I fathom you to plumb center
My thumb
Harpoons you
Like a knife to your clam
A pearl to your eye
I take you, full entered
I take your full viriginity
And without a cry
Make a Goddess of thee
This your destiny
Let it happen
This action
Never a beast am I
Daniel never ate the grass
In saying grace
Oh Dear
I ain't going anywhere.
No mere Acteon I
I am forever your THIS in here.
My glancing glans
Makes our eternal 
And Thryst.
I rise from the dead
And cover you with
Of fairy tale kissings
I'm missing the peripety
Of your perfect pout
Fly south with me
Fall is this Saturday
And our Indian summer
Has themed outlandish.

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