Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On Magic and Magical Items

Magical Items

The Norse Religion lives, grows, foments, and prepares his future in the literary genre of Fantasy. We KNOW Tolkein popularized Norse religious ideas using Lord of the Rings and the Silmarrilan. Odin inspired Tolkein, gave him a sip of Kvasir's mead to spread the Norse religion. Odin lives. Among us, in us, beside us, and above us.

Magic? Yes, magic. Did you ever really doubt? Not I! I taught Jillian not only the Enki magic of using your sacred semen to enchant and empower items and activities, for he made the the Tiger and Euphrates from the bliss of ejactulation, same as Agni and the Ganges, but I taught Jillian the Norse Magic of Naming and Engraving. Name your sword and you've already empowered it. Engrave your sword with a name or a glyph, which in magic is called a SYGIL …

Listen, you skpetical fool. You say magic is failed sciecne. Liar! Do you know how much pharamacuetial meds will pay for the mere NAME of a med? Millions. Millions of hard earned cash.

XANAX, a totally martian name, came from a commision requesting, "a drug name that doesn't pun poorly in any known language." Tall order. An Enki free name.


Enki confused the language of man to make mankind to be like fingers and thumb to the hand, each to have his specialed langauge when building the towers to the heaven. Yahweh did the opposite, he SABATOGED the sky scrapers because he was afraid they would storm heaven and rightly put Yahweh to death for flooding earth. In MYTHOSPACE both these accounts are literqally true. Exactly right. They are two of the same. BAYble does reach full to heave and always has. The tower of bahbul was mere scaffolding and was designed to fall off in a heap.

Giving GIFTS empowers an object. The backstory. HOW you aquired an objject, its story is potent magic. The name. The nickname. The reputang. Objects are persons.

We konw Lord of the Rings STOLE Norse tropes NON stop. NON freaking stop. "Middle Earth" is the Norse name for earth. Between the center palace of heaven and the outer rim of monstrous nature with giants and troles. Between God and monsters is mankind, middle earth.

"th Ring" is another STOLEN trope fro Tolkein. There was a certain cursed ring. Even Odin coudln't discharge the curse to own the ring. It was so cursed as to destory whoever owned it. Odin was forced to pass on the cursed ring too.

This is real. Things become blessed, cursed, evil good. Real life exatly is a D and D game. Tolkein showed the Norse Religion was worthy of believing in. D and D showed Norse Religion was worth playing as if real. It IS real, friends. Odin truly is Allfather.

Objects are persons. How you aquired an object and why matters so much. Why is Christmas based on the IMAGO of Odin as Santa? Santa as Coke a Cola image in RED suit is BASED ON ODIN. Santa is Odin. Why is Odin Allfather the ALLGIVE dressed in disguised, as he ALWAYS IS as Santa Klaus this time?

Gift Giving is BASIC. It is true magic. What you give. Why. It is so powerful! It is the ALLTHING.

I will have more to say about REAL magic. Things we call common sense. Magic is real. The history of an object, what physical contacts it came in. It's backstory. Its name. It's destiny.

We are Possessed by our Possessions. What you own owns you. Accept Gifts ONLY from those you trust.

More to say soon.

Oh! The sword I the stone is an afterclap. It is part of the shitty useless remains of the English religion. England killed off her own gods. As did the French. When faced with Rome and the Roman Jove, they went weak in the knees and watery spined turned to spite their own god. The French and the English are the weakest of whites. White Man's burden isn't so much to civilize the nonwhite world as it is to WASH AWAY THE EVIL INFLUENCE of the English and French.

Fucking assholes. I hate them both.

The Norse blessing is this: Odin as ultimate War God through his Son Baldr assures the ultimate peace. War becomes reduced to a harmless game. Like the Olypics. Exactly like the Olympics. War is Father of All things. War will outgrow the need for death. But not for play, strategy. Long live the game! After Ragnorak, we are told in the Sybil, the gods pick up golden playing pieces from amidst the leaves of grass, and they learn that the necessities of war we can resolve using the glass bead game, the Olympics, the GAMES that shall be the BASIS of all future governmental diplomacy. Odin Allfather, the most ruthless and gruesome of all, shall bend down, die for, and be resurrected in the Name of BALDR, Harmless God of Light and Utter Peace.

And magical fighting shall replace physical death.

I tell you the truth, oh my followers: the need for literal physical death she have passed, all at once, and as if by magic, within the next twenty years. Mark the day.

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