Saturday, September 7, 2024

"Jesus Curse" a poem

Jesus I curse you to your face
Past all saving grace
The worse off all men
May you boil in diaretical shit
For all eternity
Thou profoundest survived abortion ...

Eternally cursed the womb who bore you
May forever bleed the teat that gave suck to thee
You vomitous puss goblin of a man
How I hate your face and heart
And spit in your eye.
May you forever die.

Why did I walk four hours
Down 28th street and back
Busiest in grand rapids
Second greatest city in .Michigan 
To do business
As friends
With black man and true man
Who gave me a fist bump
He who saw me
And believed in me
On sight 
Since the first night 
I cashiered for him
At Ghetto Meijer?
Four hours spent in spades
While disdaining and refusing to deighn
Answer the dismay
Of dad and mom
forcing charity ....
Uninvited to my wedding
Sherry ama god
They show up unwelcome
And hurl sick money
Like maggots
In the face of the goddess.

Michael said
Yes persistence is success
You will win back
Your family
The self righteous suicide
Of certain others
Loyalty FORCES ME to patiently wait
Till the whining brats grow up
Ama help me please
You flatter yourselves righteous
Ugliest clowns
Profoundly shit in the face
Grounded ugly.

Sherry ... wait a bit.
I will be a patient father to you all.


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