Friday, September 13, 2024

"My TRUE Friends" a poem

Is Eternity without End?
Who Are my True Friends?
Who makes the daily pain
Great and Worth
Eternally More Living?

Those with whom I am free
Free like Frigg like Friday
To be myself
Obnoxious too
If need be
And funny too,
As with Ivan
Tell him off a thousand times
Over the course of two decades
The man never goes away
Some Friendships Stay
And that's what gives Life 
Her Living.

I mean mostly my Wife
Who has meant the most
Of all
Mother of my children
My one SAME
My one GREAT
The one I love more and more
Each and every day
Past all compare
Most of All ...

And then Tay Tay
and Justin
and Ivan
and Susan
Those the four disciples
With Lisa mixed in
Somewhat aloof
With Three dozen others
Mixed in
Come and Go
My God, but
My Parents
And even Tim
and my Siblings
These are all AMA to me
Have I betrayed them?
Gnashed me teeth?
Condemned and damned them
While yet living?
Ama I was only kidding!
These ARE my life and love
They are sent from below and above
They are TRUE AMA
And they are my cat's cradle
True friends
For all Eternity.
And because of this
Eternity is
Eternally worth

All drama and loss
I toss my head aloft and laugh
AMA what is THAT?
ALL is redeemed
In your incredible THIS
We subsist
On this love within all love
In these forever

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