Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The troll speaks: What we all know beyond all reasonable dispute

Such epithet as chosen people and master race and city on a hill and all this is bad taste only because the ugly truths are beyond dispute. Insofar as "mastery" is a thing ... and it almost ain't in the u.s. of a.! ... we know one "race" of human being has put all of nature, all of mankind, all conceivable and all real opposition beneath its feet. I mean my own people. This is beyond rational debate. It is simply in bad taste to insist where all the known world KNOWS you are right. There is something profoundly WRONG and insisting so hard when all the earth knows all-to-well you are right.

I'm not here for trolling now. I'm here to fight Athens.

The greatest people of all time, of all time, in compared to the chosen or forsaken of every scripture and nation ... you know the greatest people ever to exist anywhere? It is Athens. If that ... somehow surprises you ... you lack the education for serious conversation and your opinion simply doesn't count.

I'm speaking objectively using common sense. Athens and the ancient greeks did and continue to do more for the earth than ALL OTHER PEOPLE COMBINED.

The great Greek scriptures the Iliad and the odyssey, these are the greatest stories ever told. The west invented theology and literary criticism using Homer alone, so I can mentally afford to develop the one people better than Athens, a people with a destiny fatter, which than child, than ALL people always. I mean the sixth people. The golden people. I mean abith. I mean you and me.

Athens .... a city of Zeus that sacrificed her sexuality to the Virgin Of all the arts Athena. That Athens made it all first, economics, theology, morality as science, biology itself with Aristotle inventing all the university disciplines ...

The Athenians are the greatest people yet to exist. And then there is me. And my own. And my family, June, shall out-bless all the stars.

All influence is mine. I am the fire that eats all fires. My semen digests ALL seeds and tweaks them for Daniel and NECESSITY ... I never flinch or give an inch ... we are Athena blessed with sex. Sherry my psyche, my imago. Natalie our first born, sexless, angelic blessing. It is all the same. I am perfect beyond all mentioning. Yet I mention my Name, same, and greatness.

I am Daniel Christopher williston June. I am amaranth. I am ama's own.

Ama laughs. What is all that. Whose bliss have i kissed?


It is 435. Nat was just up shrieking, shrieking, shrieking. Now she is asleep beside me on the Reading Room couch in the reading room.

I can make her relax and eager to sleep.

I am grateful past all audacity that you gave me this greater than pallas bliss:

I am Hermes gained the bolt. I am father of Natalie, blessed of the nation.

Tis 437. At 637 I will leave for work.

I am reading that jerk Harold blooms book on literary criticism and kaballah. What was it nietzsche said against athens?. Bloom pretends he is happy kaballah chose Athens as its book club.

All intellectual wealth comes from Athens. Athena. All physical wealth in the west comes from Rome.

Athens and Rome. The rest I am within limits praising your Name.

Niezsche called Christianity as "Plato for the masses." That is, the gospels confuse and try the trial truths of Socrates and mess with the Divine DNA and Make a sort of evil yakaba. 

440 ... nat asleep in minutes. I am getting too tired. I will read Bloom on his seminal topic: anxiety of influence. Anxiety. Dasein as care? Who said it? That arch nazi: Heidegger. The nazi truth: the soul is care. We care in life.

Athens invented western philosophy. Transcendental western mythology? Zeus cult is the greatest religion of all time. Of all time.

And then there was me. There is us.

Nazi truth: your soul is made of care.

Heidegger learned from that outrageous jew ... I forget his disgraceful name. And Heidegger inspired derrida. The derider.  That Heidegger learned all from nietzsche goes well beyond, well beyond all rational excuse.

446. Nat is asleep. My .migraine is almost unbearable what haephestus will hammer my migraine so my Maggot on the brain Natalie can afford me relief?

Natalie, I choose you. Through all.doubts and cost analysis benefits.

Money is my bane. Because I am fated, and allism too, at being very very VERY wealthy, the wealthiest of all world religions.

I am the infinite origami.

I praise myself into submission.

Athens the greatest yet. Yet. Insofar as I must use my sterile good to assume ALL power and ALL control of others. I manipulate little. My story's infinite.

Harold Bloom perjures himself yet again in his booklet: kabbalah and criticism. In his get out of jew free card he admits that kaballah is ONLY an "automatic for the people" cultural sell out. Trying to water down the infinitely thick blood of the Beautiful People. The hellenics. The Greeks.

I have a serious headache. Maggot water on the brain. Literally. The howling of Natalie, and my self soothing self praise of calling the tune: Athens we grand rapids, one nation as undergod,  we say simple this:

Ama, great is your name and greatly to be praised.

All in all I'm all of yours. One true love of the all-adored.

Heidegger as greatest of Germans matters always and only as receiver of the germanic GOD nietzsche, who became greater than God, equal to Odin, only and ever in this:

Emerson fou and him out and made him a disciple and eternal child when nietzsche was yet only 14.

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