Tuesday, September 17, 2024

First Day

First Day

Went great. Delivery is at an even pace. driving all over west Michigan. Chilling. Near zero customer service. Just Oreilley staff respectfully interacting with Oreilley staff. I listen for hours the Sooth soundtrack and also whatever tracks and lectures and audiobooks to help me prepare my Ezra. And the work? It was fun.

I think of that Ava Maria track that Muse adds vocals. "I love you till you explode my world." Always that supernoval blast! Love means TOO MUCH! Ave Marie love me till my whole world explodes! Love as complete incineration. Love as Zeus showing Semele his true Deity: she fried to a crisp. Why can't love ever be a balanced modesty? Dante! Your dingbat Beatrice is such an arse wipe. I have zero delight in her. Celebrity zero. Like Don Quixote and his Rosealita. Better the kiss of a pig than the pearl of a mother who never existed. Come back to earth. Come back to reality. It doesn't hurt to love ACTUAL LIFE.

The battery on this laptop is dying. I left my phone at home today by accident. The thieves stole my garage door opener and Sherry worried needlessly that they planned on stealing all our worldly possessions next. Shut the fuck up. Now. Please! Why is life so FUCKING EXCRUCIATING for you ever living blessed fucking SECOND! Miss DeVries!

Enough. Fuck!

Just relax. Better to DIE than live like THAT.

Now I am listening to Shine on your crazy diamond. Silent derision in the breeze. The laughter. The laugh of aqualung, the evil chuckle. The guitar chuckle in Mr Crowley. "Mr. Crowley, duhduhDUHduhDUHduhDUM!"

That laugh. that jeering loverly song. I laugh with contempt. And spit on the face of fools. Sing on the STEAL BREEZE.

Time to relax. And spit in the faces of fools.

My contempt for Piglet. Die pig. Die!

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