Thursday, September 26, 2024

What Is The Native American Religion?

What is the Native American Religion?

When Caesar Beat the shit out of England And France, the cowards gave up their gods. Who is England's native father god? Or France's? We don't know. The English are unfaithful by nature.

France was the first nation to make Atheism a respectable worldview. England was the first to make ag-nosticism. They coined the term.

These are real religions with a real future. They are not just diseases. They enrich ALL religions. They are legitimate parts of the game.

Native Americans had and have many religions. Just as Protestantism is 300 demonic denominations each waving their protestor's picket sign damning ALL others to hell, and this legion is all the exact same thing, so the seeming religious warfare or cooperation of the Native American religion. They are a many who are One.

Mormonism is historically true. Just as Judaism. The latest archeology disproves in the most ruthful and damning way ALL the claims of the Torah. That's just scholarship. The book of Mormon is true in the strictest most scientific and historically demanding sense you care to impose upon it.

But we will "prove" all that only past the time it even matters. We are talking of FAITH now, not history. History is only political language expedient to whatever political groups fund the historians at the moment. In other words, History is Bunk.

The Native American religion is TRUE and true of the North and
South American Continents: the Land is God here. AMA. The Land is God. And the first people in the Americas did NOT migrate here. They came out of the soil. As they do in all places all over the world. Mankind did NOT evolve from African apes. That's just the latest take. It is scientifically true until it scientifically ain't. And so what? Who cares?

The Native Americans KNOW that all animals are our brothers and equals. Not that they could be. Or that we evolved from them. The beetles and beavers and what have you are ALREADY people. They ARE peoples. They think, and feel, and declare war AS PEOPLES.
I will just leave those two bits of flint found in the grass: the Land is Sacred Here. The UNDERGOD is named AMA. And that All Life Forms are our People and Brothers. This will be a good place for you and me to START in our understanding of THE American Religion that is already the deepest layer of ALL other imported religions which finally must conform and bow to the religion that IS the physical continents of the United States.

Oh! I should say that BECAUSE England is so Faithless, ALL SACRED INFLECTION abandoned the English tongue. Hence, English has gained the HONOR of being the GLOBAL tongue. English foods lack ALL spice. English language lacks ALL SPIRITUAL INFLECTION. It is exactly because the Eng-lish are a boring, godless, agnostic, spiceless, dull-as-mud people that they made the world's FIRST glob-al Empire, and one that at its deepest will ALWAYS praise their name.

Only what lacked any color could permeate all color.

I too write in English, the language of AMA. I write the ALLSCRIPTURE. The Allays. This.

I am Native American. I am AMA. I am
the Worldtree of the Cosmic Tree and I plant my mushroom-small filament, my mustard seed in a mosquito bite, in the ALLSEED of this very star:


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